Travel Notes from a Creative Journey: 2019 week 7

Abigail Epstein
2 min readFeb 17, 2019


What I’m learning

Photo by Joe Green on Unsplash

2018 was The Year of Transition. I thought I’d be able to share all I was learning in my online gallery, but I eventually realized communication is like garlic. A little more is usually a good idea. Just kidding — a lot more is a good idea.

I still am not sure how to shape 2019. The Year of Routines? The Year of Writing a Metric Boatload? The Year of Wishing I Was Napping?

Any ideas?

What I’m excited about:

I’m trying a variation of THIS 8 week schedule. Instead of 8 weeks, I’m doing six weeks of productive routine, and one week of play. It’s not exactly a vacation, because I’m still spending business time on business.

I almost skipped my week of play, because I lost so much time to illness. Also, to be perfectly honest, I was avoiding the public eye while shoring up my mental defenses. Both writing and visual art require a certain amount of vulnerability. At the time, my vulnerability well had run dry.

But, I realized if I didn’t start giving myself the scheduled time for play, I wouldn’t trust myself to be a good boss.

So, I gave myself the week to engage in creative play.

I experimented with Mod Podge and read up on some fun skills. I toyed with ways to reuse old paintings and played with fountain pen inks. My fingers are stained and I love it.

Now, I’m really looking forward to going back to painting!

What I’ve learned:

I’m learning how to give myself permission. Permission to play with creativity, to give my brain time to cast nets far and wide and wildly missing where I thought the water was. Permission to move forward. Permission to act like I have permission.

I’ve learned that there are all manner of unexpected ways I’m waiting for permission, and I don’t even know it. Journaling helps.

I’m Abigail and I’m an early career visual artist in New York state with a full time job and a love of writing. I explore personal growth and nostalgia in my work using magical and natural imagery. You can find my gallery here.



Abigail Epstein

Visual artist, mental health advocate, silly soul. Join the mailing list for e-zines, coupons, and early access to available work: