USA Martial Arts Fitness Academy on Combating Stress

USA Martial Arts Fitness Academy
3 min readFeb 25, 2020


Have you ever felt so overwhelmed and stressed that you’ve fantasized about flipping a table? Maybe you actually have! (Kudos to you). But did you know that those bursts of energy that seem to come out of nowhere when you’re stressed can actually be channeled into a far more effective coping strategy?

USA Martial Arts Fitness Academy and Head Instructor Juan Sanchez offer a variety of martial arts classes for every age and every skill level. From beginner to seasoned competitor, they have been training athletes in martial arts in the Bronx for over ten years. Ask anyone in the facility and they will tell you that the programs offered there reduce their stress, despite it being a demanding and physical sport.

The Importance of Physical Activity

There is sound science behind the benefits of exercise in reducing stress. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are the brain’s natural feel-good neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are released when you engage in activities like strength training and cardio. At USA Martial Arts Fitness Academy, they combine these exercises with skills training, which keeps both your mind and body engaged. So, when the program starts to feel hard, staying motivated to perfect your technique and outsmart your opponent (or punching bag!) keeps you moving. After a good session, you will find that your stresses feel less daunting.

Channel Stress into Something Productive

But there is more to choosing martial arts as a stress reliever because almost any strength or cardiovascular exercise will release endorphins. Sometimes punching a bag or sparring with a partner can be incredibly cathartic. Working on new skills and focusing your mind on another task leaves no room for stress, effectively making room for those endorphins to work their magic. USA Martial Arts Fitness Academy offers a safe environment to let out some aggression in a constructive way and chances are you will feel better when you do.

Martial arts are known for their structure and discipline, too. Simple rules, planned lessons, and tangible goals like rising through the belt ranks provide much-needed clarity in our chaotic world. USA Martial Arts Fitness Academy encourages you to leave your day at the door and focus on something entirely different. Transparent, logical programs that help you build real skills remove a layer of complexity, allowing you to relax and focus on your own development.

Fostering a Community of Support

Besides being a fun pastime, martial arts also foster tight-knit communities of like minded people who train together and support each other. These connections and the ensuing sense of belonging, combat loneliness and the sense of isolation that has become more common in the age of the Internet. At USA Martial Arts Fitness Academy, participants are instantly part of a bigger family, which can altogether eliminate the stress associated with even finding the right group of people to blow off some steam with.

The benefits of martial arts in reducing stress are clear. Consistent exercise allows your brain to regularly release more of those natural feel-good chemicals and in martial arts, you have the added benefit of releasing some pent-up energy or aggression in a safe and controlled environment. The structure and discipline of the sport can also be a relief from the chaos of modern society. You can even make new friends and belong to a whole new community that supports your well-being. So, whether you join USA Martial Arts Fitness Academy or your local gym, give martial arts a try the next time you’re tempted to flip a table at work.



USA Martial Arts Fitness Academy

USA Martial Arts Fitness Academy is a Martial Arts dojo that has been serving the South Bronx community for over 10 years.