Scrolls, Lands & Business

In this article, we will dive into the Scrolls of Power. However, before doing so, we need to cover several topics, including Guilds, Lands, and combat units. We will also provide more information on the economic aspects of all of this.

10 min readJul 11, 2024

Since the creation of our White Paper, we have mentioned that there are some highly sought-after items related to the birth of our universe. The Scrolls of Power are very powerful items that we are releasing early in the development of Valannia. These assets are intended for guilds, groups of players, and investors. The scrolls offer benefits through airdrops to their holders, assets that will have use in our universe in the short term, starting with Valannia Realms and Valannia Arena. Before diving into this article, it is important to deeply understand certain mechanics associated with the different games in our previous post.

Valannia: A Universe of Games

Airdrops for Owning a Scroll

As we have communicated, being a scroll holder offers you:

  • All combat units of the selected race at a 50% discount off the launch price.
  • Cosmetics to personalize the experience in realms. These are unique, non-craftable cosmetics that can only be obtained through owning a scroll.
  • A Banner of Conquest, necessary to claim territory for a guild in the yellow zone. Although it is a craftable item, it will not be cheap in resources and time.
  • A mythical land in the city of the scroll’s given race. It is important to note that while we will release land around the capitals, mythical lands will not be put on sale again.

It is important to understand that of all the aforementioned assets, the scroll’s final cost is only the 50% markoff from the combat units. There is no added cost for the mythical land, cosmetics, or the Banner of Conquest.

For more detailed information on prices, exact names, and quantities of assets for each scroll, click here: DApp

Why do the scrolls have a high price point, and why are the prices different for each scroll?

This question is answered by understanding the nature of combat units. Each race has 8 different combat units, making a total of 64. Each combat unit has various characteristics, such as health, speed, attack, skills, defense, etc. Additionally, the units have a rarity associated with their supply, and the supply is associated with the launch price of the units, which is why each scroll has a different price. It is important to emphasize that anyone in Valannia can create a good strategy with common and uncommon units by following the power matrix and understanding the game mechanics. Even the colossi, the most powerful combat units in Valannia, have their counter: The mages

The Real Value of Assets: Development, Resources, and Time

Combat units in Valannia can be created starting from Valannia Realms: Conquest in 2025. However, to do so, it is necessary to build a castle on the map, develop technologies within it, gather resources, and, of course, spend production time. This point is crucial for understanding the price of combat units. For instance, there are colossi with a launch price of around 3,000 USDC. The reason behind this is that, although they can be built later in the game, the production cost in terms of technologies, resources, and especially time will be high, to give real value to the assets and protect the price of the assets, much like in a real economy.

Eldorath and the Qwemzi Scroll are Special

Although Qwemzi is a race in the Valannia universe, it is not a playable race within Realms or Arena. However, Qwemzi is the race of Valannia’s historian, Kurangi. Kurangi founded Eldorath, the neutral capital of Valannia, a place where all races meet in neutrality with a social and economic character.

The Qwemzi Scroll offers:

  • A colossus of each of the 8 races, also at a 50% discount.
  • A mythical land in Eldorath.
  • And a Banner of Conquest.

It is important to emphasize that the land provided by the Qwemzi Scroll, a plot in Eldorath, is by far the most interesting in terms of benefits of owning land. More information on this will follow later in this article.

Any Valannia Arena player can use these colossi, but they cannot use different races on the same account in Valannia Realms.

The Real Value of a Scroll and the Reason for Its Launch

As stated in our white paper from the very beginning, our intention is to reward those who participate in Valannia at an early stage, not only through assets we have given away for active participation in project events like the Grand Assembly Coins or the Red Moon Pendant, but also with early launches of assets under favorable conditions for those interested. While Valannia is advanced, it is important to remember that we publicly launched our project in September 2023. With this, we aim for significant growth, but we are still in an early phase, with three major launches: Valannium Rings, Heroes OG, and the Scrolls.

The reason for the scrolls’ launch is precisely this: to give a unique opportunity to guilds/players and investors who participate early in Valannia.

An In-Depth Look at the Lands

Lands in Valannia are plots within the capitals of each race and Eldorath. It is important to distinguish this from building a castle on the open world map or claiming territory through a Banner of Conquest. In the case of these territories, they belong to the world and to the players who can control and protect those territories under their possession. Lands in cities are permanent places in the form of NFTs that are never at risk of being lost.

Owning land has significant value from a progression perspective in Realms, politics, and the possibility of creating businesses within Valannia.

Delving into Valannia Realms Mechanics

Before discussing the benefits of owning land, it is essential to mention some mechanics that will take place in Valannia Realms. As mentioned, time is important in Realms since every action requires time, including map movements, crafting, resource extraction, adventures, and more. Our philosophy is to bring dynamism and reality to actions within our universe, as exemplified by the following points:

  • If your heroes have low health, you will need to heal them through potions or by other mechanics.
  • Another aspect that adds realism to Valannia is that every item has an associated weight, meaning it will be important for your hero to have available space in their inventory and consider the weight they can carry. Transporting fabrics is not the same as carrying 100 iron ores. Similarly, one of the future professions will be transport, which will have associated transport vehicles. However, we will not have a transport profession in Valannia Realms: Crafting.
  • Another mechanic adding realism and an extra layer of robustness is the location of items in the Valannia world. Items will have an associated capital when bought or put up for sale, making the location of assets crucial even when buying from Valannia’s marketplace. However, there is no need to worry initially, as in the first version, players will start in Eldorath, so all assets will be based in Eldorath.
  • We have not yet revealed exact mechanics and will not go into detail at this point, but players can extract crystal essences in the red zones within Valannia. These crystal essences can be transformed into a purer and more compound resource, which is Valannia’s token.
  • The Valannia token has many uses: construction, repairs, crafting, politics, and more. We will elaborate on these later. However, only some items require tokens for construction and crafting. The positive point is that tokens can be earned by playing.

Benefits of Owning Land

  1. Accommodation in the City: Players can stay in the cities. Of course, lands feature certain developments and customization to enhance the player’s experience.
  2. Warehouse: Lands also serve as storage for items, resources, and more. Higher-level lands have larger storage capacities.
  3. Health Regeneration: Owning land in one of the cities allows a hero under your control to visit the land to regenerate health quickly.
  4. Politics: Players who wish to run for elections to become representatives of a race must own at least one piece of land in the race’s capital to strengthen their bond with that race. Any land meets this requirement.
  5. Rewards in Valannia Token: Quarterly, landholders in the capitals of Valannia will receive a percentage of the total Valannia Token used to craft and improve items within the cities. This follows the logic of profit distribution for the inhabitants of the capitals and becomes extremely attractive to those who want to play a political, social, or business/investment role.
  6. Marketing: Owning land in one of the capitals allows you to set a name or logo in the establishment, adding value from a marketing and brand recognition perspective.
  7. Creating Businesses in Valannia: Establishing real businesses within Valannia has been one of our initial goals. We want to actively work on our idea of a digital universe from the outset and intertwine a game with deep mechanics and real businesses. Businesses are a perfect pillar to strengthen Valannia’s economy further. This initiative aligns perfectly with our idea and mission that Valannia can serve as a real source of income for people worldwide by participating in our game or generating businesses within it.

Valannia will support entrepreneurs and businesses, creating a free, open economy in which anyone can participate and where time and effort can translate into real earnings for people all over the world.

Zan’Thar — Healer | Human — Dominium Paladin

How Do Businesses Work in Valannia Realms?

In Valannia, we will open up to all types of businesses, scaling gradually while considering the mechanics available in Realms. The first five business lines are defined as follows: Tavern, Food Establishment, Inn, Armory, and Bazaar. Initially, we will select only five projects that meet certain requirements, which we will discuss in detail later. We will soon open applications for these five spots

Suppose Valannia has accepted a first business proposal from an entrepreneur who wants to open a burger joint in Eldorath. In this example, there would be an entrepreneur selling burgers within Valannia, and these burgers would be NFTs. What logic have we followed to make this meaningful while fostering businesses, the economy, and supporting entrepreneurs within Valannia?

Through prior collaborative work with the Valannia team, the entrepreneur can visually change the appearance of an HP potion to a burger while retaining the same utility of the HP potion. We are also considering giving a small boost to the potions converted into burgers/other items. Valannia will offer a share of the Marketplace fee on the sales of the products available in this business.

This way, the entrepreneur could earn income by:

  • Crafting potions.
  • Selling products in their establishment in the capital.
  • Receiving a percentage of the Marketplace commissions on their sold products.

Of course, we will provide more detailed information about businesses in Valannia later.

How to Establish a Business in Valannia Realms

While anyone can open a business in Valannia, we will initially select only five businesses to be established in Realms. Licenses are obtained through the application and fulfillment of a series of conditions. These conditions are not related to owning a large number of assets within Valannia but are more about activity in the virtual world, commitment, the seriousness of the business, and the possibility of implementing the idea in the short term.

Although we will start small, with five ventures and a limited number of business options, this is something we will scale and expand progressively, implementing not only more ventures but also new business verticals and new forms of support for entrepreneurs. This includes a business leaderboard, reputation and prestige systems, a noticeboard, and more. The Valannia team will actively support all entrepreneurs from the very beginning.

Thank You

We hope you now have a better understanding of the Scrolls of Power and their significant role in the Valannia universe. These scrolls not only offer substantial in-game benefits but also represent a unique investment opportunity for early participants. As Valannia continues to grow and evolve, owning a scroll will provide both immediate and long-term rewards. We’re excited about the future of Valannia and look forward to seeing how these early assets shape the game’s dynamic economy and community. Thank you for diving into Scrolls with us!


Valannia is a vast, large-scale strategy game and MMO built with Unreal Engine 5.2, set in a medieval fantasy world. In this universe, players have the opportunity to progress, level up, enhance their equipment and items, increase the skill points of their professions, engage in world politics, establish businesses, build their own castles, and join or create a guild to compete for territorial expansion and available resources. Valannia stands out for its intricately developed economy that emulates the economic dynamics of the real world, with the extraction of raw materials as its fundamental foundation.

To learn more, visit our Website, read the Whitepaper, and Pre-Register to join us on the Road to Valannia Arena.

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Valannia is a disruptive project within the metaverse. Is a large-scale strategy MMO set in a medieval fantasy world, powered by Unreal Engine 5 technology.