The Valannia Herald | Assembly V

8 min readMar 9, 2024


Greetings, Valannians!

Welcome to a new edition of ‘The Valannia Herald,’ where we’ll provide a brief summary of what we witnessed in the latest Assembly, Assembly V. Don’t miss out on the exciting updates!

What is Valannia?

To begin with, we did a recap for newcomers, covering everything that happened in 2023. We discussed what Valannia is, our events, the first NFT (Valannium Ring), and more! If you want to delve into these topics in detail, you can go to the following link: Tales of Valannia.

Gems stand as the bedrock of our journey, offering a glimpse into the realm of possibility. From the radiant allure of Valannite to the fiery embrace of Dragon Breath, each gem holds a story waiting to unfold. Through crafting and exploration, heroes can harness the power of these artifacts, shaping their destinies in the process.


Exciting news on the pre-registration front! Within the initial two weeks, 1500 Valannians have successfully pre-registered, securing the rarest gem, Celespar, in this edition of Dawn of Heroes: Adventure. To join the pre-registrants, simply click on the provided Pre-Register link in the Official Links or FAQ section. Act quickly, as these gems will play a crucial role in the first version of Dawn of Heroes.

Pre-register NOW!

What are gems?

Gems stand as the bedrock of our journey, offering a glimpse into the realm of possibility. From the radiant allure of Valannite to the fiery embrace of Dragon Breath, each gem holds a story waiting to unfold. Through crafting and exploration, heroes can harness the power of these artifacts, shaping their destinies in the process.

In Valannia, gems are very valuable (sometimes magical) artifacts which are used to craft and upgrade powerful weapons, utilizing the Tyxen machine.

Finding gems is not an easy task and the more a hero finds, the more powerful they can become.

How to get gems?

On The Road to Arena, you and your Heroes will have multiple opportunities to discover and obtain gems:

One way is to Pre-register for Arena gameplay, coming later this year:

Another way will be is once you have your hero(es), you will be able to send them on adventures in Dawn of Heroes: Adventures to find gems. 🛡

The following 4 gems will be available until Arena:

  • Valannite

‘The Valannian bloom.’

The heart of mystical treasures in Valannia. Abundant near the surface, accompanied by a distinctive blue glow.

It is the primary choice for crafting artifacts and the preferred gem of adventurers shaping their destinies.

  • Honey Drop

‘The sweet treasures.’

They are a common yet enchanting find in the Temple of Time.

Unearthed with moderate effort, they promise a reward for those who seek the magic within.

  • Dragon Breath

‘Coveted for its fiery beauty.’

Found in the depths of Dragon Valley, the reddish tones of this gem create an internal glow reminiscent of fire.

Extracting it won’t be easy due to its scarcity, but the effort is rewarded with a gem that enchants across various disciplines.

Are you brave enough to wield the Dragon Breath?

  • Celespar

‘Coveted gem imbued with potential and allure.’

Also found in the treacherous Dragon Valley, obtaining it won’t be easy either; it requires a lot of courage and skill.

Despite its dark associations, the versatility of Celespar knows no bounds.

How gems are used?

Gems will first be used in Dawn of Heroes: Crafting to increase the power of your Heroes’ weapons, to craft items in Tyxen Machine, they will also be used to level up professions, craft more complex items and structures, basically these gems are a fundamental part of the Valannia MMO economy.

The higher the level of your hero, the more powerful weapons you can craft and enhance in the Tyxen machine, however, the higher the level the more gems will be required.

Good to note that you will also be able to progress in constructions, crafting, and more, depending on your profession.

But remember, the higher the level of your weapon, the more unstable the craft and the higher the chance of the combination failing.

In the realm of Interactive Staking, heroes embark on grand adventures, braving untold dangers in pursuit of glory. The immersive landscapes of Dawn of Heroes: Adventure beckon, offering a tapestry of experiences woven with the threads of fate. As heroes ascend through the ranks, the allure of Valannia Gems and exclusive NFTs awaits, promising untold riches for the bold.

Embark Your Heroes on Adventures:

Adventures in Valannia serve as crucibles of growth, where heroes test their mettle against formidable challenges. By conquering perilous beasts and delving into the depths of our universe, heroes not only amass experience but also unearth precious gems and artifacts, fueling the fires of craftsmanship and power. This sets the stage for captivating, entertaining, and gameplay-driven pursuits like Valannia Arena. Strengthen your heroes now, as triumph awaits in the beckoning Arena.

Crafting emerges as a sacred art, bridging the realms of imagination and possibility. Through daring exploits and hard-won triumphs, heroes forge legacies that echo throughout the annals of Valannia. With each upgrade comes the risk of failure, yet the rewards are worth the gamble.

Forge Armor and Weapons for Your Heroes:

Crafting in Valannia transcends mere trade; it’s a sacred pursuit that bridges imagination and possibility. Through audacious exploits and hard-earned triumphs, heroes collect rare materials, forging them into weapons and artifacts of legendary renown. However, tread cautiously, for the path of crafting is fraught with peril, and failure exacts a steep price. Valannia offers unique crafting systems, enabling you to gather resources and access a crafting tree, unlocking processes to create weapons, collectibles, skins, and more. These indispensable advantages make gem crafting paramount for success in Valannia Arena and beyond, as upgraded items, weapons, and heroes gain the upper hand in forthcoming battles.

As the journey unfolds, Valannia emerges as a beacon of hope and possibility, where every hero’s tale adds to the tapestry of legend. From the depths of Mining to the heights of Crafting, our saga continues to evolve, offering a glimpse into a world where dreams become reality.

Join us on this epic odyssey, where heroes rise, and legends are born. The journey awaits, and the adventure begins now.

Dawn of heroes: Adventure

As some of you already know, for those who have decided they will be minting an Origins hero, will have access to the Interactive Staking in our DAPP.

This new feature will be divided into three segments, with the initial phase called “Adventure” which will be released during the second quarter.

Within the Adventure mode, you’ll be able to dispatch your hero on special quests to gain invaluable Experience Points (XP), grow stronger, ascend levels and get the chance to find exclusive NFTs known as Valannia Gems, crucial for Dawn of Heroes: Crafting.

Crafting will be the first real interaction with crafting mechanics, professions, exploration, mining and more. Everything that happens here will be reflected in Valannia, the MMO, and I mean Unreal Engine.

So, we can say that crafting is the beginning of the MMO, and adventure, which is the staking of heroes will be the best way to position oneself for the MMO.

And well of course, adventure is also a way to start rewarding holders of this Origin heroes collection.

And speaking of rewarding early adopters, yes, Valannium ring holders will have advántages and privileges, which we will detail soon.

Dawn Of Heroes: Crafting

As mentioned before, Dawn of Heroes: Crafting can be considered the start of the MMO. Here is where exploration, mining, professions, crafting, trade, PvE, the Tyxen machine, guild competitions, and more begin. The gems collected by players during adventure will play a crucial role in progression, and of course, the adventure hero leveling will have implications in the MMO. It won’t be the same starting with a level 0 character as with a level 10 one. I don’t want to go into much detail, but the next product after Dawn of heroes: crafting, witch will be released next year, will include the creation of castles on the Valannia map, as well as PvP and more.
But yes, the good news and the real challenge of everything we’re doing is that a small team of 4 people who started Valannia just a few months ago in the bottom of the bearmarket, will launch the first version of the two games promised in their initial White Paper this year. You’ll see Valannia Arena in the Alpha version and Valannia, Dawn of Heroes: Crafting in the initial browser version, which will later transition to Unreal 5. I hope you’re as motivated as we are.

Video — Sneak peek

To conclude this article, we will share some images related to the video, a sneak peek of the 24 heroes of Valannia. These images were exclusively revealed to the members who joined us in our Assembly. Remember, if you want to see exclusive content and participate in these events to witness the incredible advancements in our universe!

Finally: Do you enjoy lore and art? Get ready…


Project: Valannia Arena — Unreal Engine implementation

  • Characters: Programming of 8 heroes, one per race. Implementation of models, animations and VFXs.
  • Gameplay: Implementation of particular abilities for the implemented Valannia characters.
  • Level: Base and Center region of the map extended and new props.
  • UI/UX: More functionality included in the game menu. Roaster and main menu still WIP
  • Upcoming activities: Finalizing V2 of internal pre-alpha, including more characters and basic gameplay Project: DAPP.

Project: DAPP

  • Design: The design of the second version of the DAPP is ready.
  • Architecture: The backend programming is ready with more functionalities.
  • Blockchain: The blockchain development of the DAPP is ready.


Valannia is a vast, large-scale strategy game and MMO built with Unreal Engine 5.2, set in a medieval fantasy world. In this universe, players have the opportunity to progress, level up, enhance their equipment and items, increase the skill points of their professions, engage in world politics, establish businesses, build their own castles, and join or create a guild to compete for territorial expansion and available resources. Valannia stands out for its intricately developed economy that emulates the economic dynamics of the real world, with the extraction of raw materials as its fundamental foundation.

To learn more, visit our Website, read the Whitepaper, and Pre-Register to join us on the Road to Valannia Arena.

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Valannia is a disruptive project within the metaverse. Is a large-scale strategy MMO set in a medieval fantasy world, powered by Unreal Engine 5 technology.