Book recommendations II

Niklas Baudy
2 min readOct 7, 2018




Everything that we do requires some Willpower, including reading this article.

The book explains what Willpower is, where it is coming from, how we can influence our Willpower and what to do against depleted willpower.

A rested will is a stronger will.

Know your limits. Keep track of things. Pick your battles. Reward yourself. You can fool everyone but yourself.

How To Win Friends And Influence People

How To Win Friends And Influence People

This book is a must for everyone who’s interacting socially. It’s split up into four parts:

  • Fundamental techniques in handling people
  • Six ways to make people like you
  • How to win people to your way of thinking
  • Be a leader: How to change people without giving offense or arousing resentment

Every part contains between three and twelve chapters. Each chapter focuses on one aspect. They come with a lot of examples and a real takeaway in the form of a sentence at the end of each chapter.



Remote is a topic that gets more and more attention nowadays.

Basecamp (ex 37signals) have been working remotely for quite some time and written down all of the benefits and compared them to working from an office.

This book is a perfect start if you want to dip your feet into working remotely.

If you are already working from remote, you will still get lots of tips and improvements out of it.

More of my book recommendations:

