Vasikaran Ravi
4 min readFeb 1, 2024


It’s been really like a two months since I posted articles , not that I don’t intend to post but just like that life happened guys , It was a surprise to me that when I logged in after 2 months, I could see so many lovely people on my followers list , I’m grateful for each and every one of you❤️ ! between happy new year people ! it’s 2024 ! ??? like can you imagine , we are in 2024

we really made it to this year , so for each and every step we are going to be grateful

“if nobody said this to you today , let me be the first one, I love you and your worthy to be loved and nourished , you can achieve anything in life if you put your mind to it ”

let’s jump right into the topic , what makes you think we can be shameless Vasi ? I know your looking at the title and thinking to yourself that what this man is on some drugs or what? lol😂

Nah , really and I mean it , we should have no shame in doing the things we love ,and doing things we love to try

let me say this short story , last year same time, I ’ve noticed that I’m spending a staggering amount of money on food , and I was bit impressed by many people on Instagram doing food reels , so I though to myself that let me start one

As a curious person , I will first jump and will think about it later , Lmao 🤣😭, I still remember when I first moved to Chennai , Me and my roommate had a discussion of what we can contribute in the house hold chores , as we had a list of things to do

I was thinking about cooking food , yet I have no idea of how that works for a person to spend whole 21 years in home and getting the prince treatment where your mom cooks delicious food and you sit, eat and criticize

he asked me do you know how to cook?

without skipping a heart-beat I said it with my whole chest that yeah , I can cook delicious food ! Lmao😭😂

I was really wondering what was I even thinking at that time

then to make that “statement true” I woke up early and watched YouTube videos of how to cook and I really made some delicious food , I still remember the first dish I ever cooked that was Egg curry and chapati and I uploaded it in YouTube after I started a food cooking and blogging channel , I’ll attach the video here

Even starting a food cooking and blogging channel I was bit nervous about what the people will say ? I was worried , I thought everybody is watching my next move , I felt ashamed without even starting it , but after I hit upload what people said , they were supportive and shaming me secretly though lol😭 , but they don’t say it to your face , and that what makes it even more amazing

if we consider someone’s perception to look over your choices in life then hell yeah you cannot do anything in life , you can stamp this anywhere , even in your head , you cannot please people at all

so have no shame in starting something new, it’s all about the perception

when I say perception I’m not talking about the perception of things or how we view other things , it’s the perception we really have about us , the way how you see yourself , how you perceive yourself , you know you are you’re greatest critique and greatest hype man

just start and hope for the best , it will really turn out to be good , one life right ? you have to live on your own desires don’t let the internet or fake personalities to rule that over your life my babies

So be Shameless in the things you love to do

I See many people waiting on the seven mountains of life series finale , like y’all I love you and I will upload it as my next article ! I swear

I repeat , Be Shameless in the things you do , just start and hope for the best

Ps:- I'm really mixing up words and hoping for the best 😂



Vasikaran Ravi

23 and sane writes on life ! my pen never ran out of ink