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#24: The Power of Release: Prioritizing The New Path — Yours

3 min readDec 25, 2023


This is for those in deep transition. For those struggling with the Holidays. For those still feeling the pain of the injustice and betrayal. A little friendly reminder — it’s a process. Keep going! You are doing great!

The law of life will have its way. You don’t have to teach them anything. Not anymore. Enough of dishing out lessons. Enough of pointing out what they are doing wrong. Enough of explaining the impacts of their actions and behaviors. Enough of the same old story. Nothing is going to change.

They have to walk their own path.

And so do you. Stop wasting your time. Sit back now. Give yourself permission to release yourself of the burden to correct them. To educate them. To teach them. To do the work for them. The time has come to let go, and “let life teach them”.

There is a sense of freedom when you liberate yourself from trying so hard. When you focus on yourself , on “your” path, on “your” healing, on “your” new chapter.

Looking deeply in the mirror, you too might discover your own addiction; the need to feed the old dynamic.

The need to poke them for the pain they caused. The need to get validation for how much they hurt you. Maybe you too provoke to get that kick of feeling “the power”. To be in control. Your own self-sabotaging patterns?

What if you just let go? What if you release that need and relax into yourself? Let the consequences of their actions unfold itself. Perhaps it has already begun, caught up with them. No need to do anything anymore. It’s time to look and explore yourself; where have you participated in decisions that affected your life? And how are you going to live now in a way that is in alignment with your own truth.

If you think about it, the only thing you truly have to do is living in integrity with your yourself, in alignment with that part within. Because, just like them, living out of alignment for so long has caught up with you too. Crisis has piled up. In the end, you’ll realize, it couldn’t have gone any other way. It couldn’t have continued that way. Time to write a new chapter.

Merry Christmas to you all, and congratulations on reconnecting to yourself. It takes courage. Your are doing good. Keep going!

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>> Continue Reading — #25: Navigating Relationships: Beyond Communication Skills




Love Gone Wrong: Entangling the confusion and complexities from romantic narcissistic abuse.