Crypto Grannies gone wild — Food distribution in retirement castle

Venezuelan Cryptofamily
4 min readMay 23, 2019


(Dear reader, this story is linked to the main story, please see HERE)

Dear beloved community,

as you maybe know, we are the project “Adopt a family”.
We mainly support families with regular payments deploying cryptocurrencies, as well supporting people and organizations in regular events with food and education with basic knowledge about cryptocurrencies.
Last time we visited a child care center — see HERE for pics and info.

This time, we took care about our elderly ones at a place called “Hogares Santo Domingo” in Caracas/Venezuela. But not only we took care, we COOKED FOR THEM! Yeah, you are right, a famous meal called “Arroz Con Pollo” and for dessert we prepared “Plátano”.

So welcome everybody to this article, a story of joy, big pots full of food and our beloved Grandmas and Grandpas — going wild on a meal payed with crypto!

But before we start the journey full of ingredients, hands into pots and knife cutting healthy stuff — We — the team behind this project “Adopt a Family” wanna thank you all, donating us, following us and maybe enjoy some good minutes with us seeing pictures of hope, full of smiles and light in sometimes dark places on earth.
Simón and I (Fabian) wanna especially thank our community member Lilo, bb-8#1813, Sebas and sebasaurus#7007 for their help prepare all the food and making the distribution.

Meet the team

Feeling pumped? So let`s start and let’s cook a meal for 60 people!

First, for a nice distribution you need preparations:

Buying the ingredients:
Chicken, rice, carrots, onions, greens, more greens, plátanos, oil, spices and sauce.

Second, cutting all the ingredients into bite-sized pieces:

Third, start cooking (and try not to destroy kitchen):

Fourth, go to Hogares Santo Domingo and distribute the food:

Thank YOU ALL for make us doing this. See here our donator for this event (sorry if we missed some, you’ll be mentioned next time).
You gave us money, financed this distribution and the success of this project, and we could help, once again weak and sometimes forgotten people. At least warm their heart and their stomach for a full day.

Fifth, see munching and happy Grandmas and Grandpas:

Sixth, thank you for accompanying us and feel free to cook this meal by your own :-)
Don’t take this to serious, hope you enjoyed reading this and having a good time, like all the people during the distribution.

Every time we plan a distribution and Simón start telling in Banano’s and Nano’s Discord-channel and Telegram we are very astonished what you guys have for great hearts (and deep pockets) to finance us and our ideas.

We are blessed with an awesome and strong community!
Banano, Nano or any other project you are with, we love you and everybody is welcome❤
2019 is still young, please follow us on this journey and be part of this project and upcoming events.

Lilo, Lilo’s mom, bb-8#1813, Sebas, sebasaurus#7007, Simón and I.



Venezuelan Cryptofamily

A cryptocurrency based aid project for families in Venezuela