Kick off 2019–2 more families will be adopted

Venezuelan Cryptofamily
3 min readJan 9, 2019


(Dear reader, this story is linked to the main story, please see HERE)

Dear beloved community,

All of you a great and healthy start into year 2019!
Simón and I have some nice plans, some developments already ongoing and some new competitions ahead as well for you and more important — with you.
As well we like to receive more feedback of our donors & community and like to stay more in touch with you.

First things first:

As you, after reading the headline now be fully aware, we start the year with consideration of “adopting” two new project families.
We’ve found these two families over contacts. In total they are five persons and are from Caracas.
Family no. 3 will get the pseudonym “Fabi”.
Family no. 4 will get the pseudonym “Yajaira”.

One family member was already an accomplice and helped Simón for the first distribution (see photo-story to that distribution HERE).
With her this project will not only win a participant, even a helping hand in creating content and helping Simón with other distributions or projects.

The year 2019 brings us to our first challenge. Our “pot” (see HERE) have enough money to support Family 1 (Simón’s family) and family 2 (Carla’s family) for the next to month, when taking my regular weekly donation (my own money) into consideration.

Now we got the chance and THE WILL to push things to the next step.
For this reason we decided to support our two new families for the next 2 weeks. So the next two weeks will show us how things will turn out and if you like the idea of becoming a greater family and if this project is financial feasible and sustainably be able to support all of them.

During these time the families are advised to be creative.

Creative in terms of taking pictures or making videos and report them to us (and then of course to you via articles/photo-stories). Or how they changed the NANOs into goods and how the newly discovered cryptocurrency changed their lices. Or maybe some complete different and creative things — we will see how this will turn out :-)

Lately we stayed in contact with one big supporter of us (Bantano from the Banano-community) and some more from the NANO-community. The tenor of the conversations were that they like our project and believe in us, but need a kind of proof that we are no scammers before they can support us with even more and regular donations.
Some of the conversations were online, you can see it here (click here).
We are happy to stay in contact with them and appreciate their input.
But nevertheless this project is very young but on the other side already a impact on some lives in Venezuela on a daily basis. Together we already achieved a lot in short time, but fore sure we will need more times to grow and to develop. So called “growing-pains” are behind and ahead of us.
Please be patient with us.

Now comes the hook to the community (you)
We, Simón and I and our four families challenge you to make suggestions about how we can be more transparent to you. How we could make clear, that we use and will use the funds for the families and the reasons, they were donated by you.
Please write us a comment on reddit, here on Medium, join our Telegram-Group or write us an E-Mail and let us know, what you propose.
As well if you like the idea of supporting the 2 new families.

Thank you for being such a great Venezuela-Crypto-Family ❤

Simón and Fabian

Due to the two new families we will spend now 4 instead of 2 weekly payouts from the project’s funds.
All this is visible in the corresponding ledger, p
lease see here for more information



Venezuelan Cryptofamily

A cryptocurrency based aid project for families in Venezuela