deploying Cloud Foundry into Azure free tier

2 min readDec 10, 2015


in case you were following my experiences deploying Cloud Foundry to AWS EC2 you saw that last time I managed to install Bosh

unfortunately the resource requirements of running Cloud Foundry in the EC2’s free tier is not possible, being price conscious I decided to try using Microsoft Azure this time

I followed the guide through and below you can find my notes of the extra steps I needed to take when I ran into issues while doing it

after successfully creating my Bosh VM using the Azure template, I needed to login to it, but there was no mention in the guide about how to do that on Azure

it turns out the Azure CLI has a command to upload an SSH certificate to the VM enabling accessing the server

first step is to add an inbound rule to the network so port 22 is open for ssh, then follow this guide to prepare server access:

$ ssh -p 22

it is important to note that before this you need to open the ssh port of your choice on the network as well to be able to reach the VM

next steps are deploying Bosh and Cloud Foundry

Bosh deployment went down fine, unlike deploying Cloud Foundry:

Error 100: http_put — error: 409 message: { “error”: { “code”: “OperationNotAllowed”, “message”: “Operation results in exceeding quota limits of Core. Maximum allowed: 4, Current in use: 4, Additional requested: 1.” }

Azure’s one-month free trial allows using only 4 cores, but in the default deployment manifest yml file 6 is set for the number of compilation workers, which is more than available in my Azure subscription plan

see my conversation on GitHub on how to fix this

finally Cloud Foundry was up and running and my development environment is hopefully ready to host my app

in the next post I’ll write about how I deployed my app into Cloud Foundry using Docker…

update: finally I decided not use Docker at all, read on

