meteor demo app on cf azure

2 min readDec 21, 2015


in the previous post I deployed Cloud Foundry with its default settings: e.g. system_domain is set to coming from the Azure cf template

in this post I show how to cf push a Meteor app and change the system_domain, so the app is available from this new custom domain

let’s start by changing first the system domain:

$ sudo python -d <your-custom-domain> -i -e <reserved-ip-for-cloud-foundry> -n <public-ip-of-dev-box>

verify it:

$ dig <your-custom-domain>

Change the manifest and redeploy cf

$ cf login -a https://api.<your-custom-domain> — skip-ssl-validation

follow through the steps in this GitHub issue for more details

don’t forget to configure your custom DNS to resolve these addresses at your provider and remove the default template system_domain from cf, so it is not used anymore





now we are ready to prepare for cf push

  1. deploy Meteor on your machine to be able to generate the demo app
  2. prepare your Cloud Foundry instance for app push
  3. the Meteor framework is using MongoDB, therefore we need to add this service to Cloud Foundry
  4. I only needed the mongodb service, changed the original manifest according to that for Bosh deploy, find out about my troubles here

many thanks to @bingosummer from Microsoft for his support in doing this!!

$ cf create-service mongodb default meteor-mongodb

$ cf bind-service simple-todos-angular meteor-mongodb

… and your app should be running at

