Bring RISE to your browser — with extensions! (Part 2)

Vergill Lemmert
4 min readOct 21, 2018


Update January 4, 2019: The extensions are now available through the official channels. The Google Chrome Extension: The Mozilla Firefox Extension: The Mozilla Firefox for Android Extension: If you are going to use the Android version for Firefox: please note that it consumes a little bit of data so don’t keep the browser open (unless you’re on WiFi or really need it open) for long periods; also, currently, Android versions do not support a popup screen or icon on the address bar, so everything has to be done from the Options screen including viewing last messages (just click on the big button labeled “View last messages”).

Microsoft Edge: Microsoft no longer accepts extensions to be added to the Microsoft Store, but it is going to change Edge into a Chromium-based browser which would allow it to work with the Chrome extension. Until then, you can keep using the Edge extension as described in this article.


You have the RISE browser extension installed. Good. The first thing you want to do, is enter the RISE addresses you want to follow. You can follow any address you like; you do not have to be the owner of any of the given addresses. The easiest way to enter addresses is inside the options screen.

To open the options screen: right-click on the RISE extension’s icon on the address bar to open a small menu. If you are using Google Chrome, click on “Options”; in Firefox choose “Manage extension”; in Edge pick “Manage” and then scroll down and click on the “Options” link.

Accessing the Options screen and entering a RISE address (in Google Chrome)

On the extension’s options screen, you can enter up to 5 RISE addresses. Go ahead and fill in the data. Click “Save and Restart” when you are done.

About 10 seconds after the restart, the RISE extension collects the latest info about the given addresses. If you revisit or reload the options screen you should see this information below the given addresses.

Congratulations! The extension is now following the addresses and you will get a notification whenever a transaction is made that involves these addresses.

Reading messages

If you get a notification, you can read the message and its details by opening the extension’s popup screen and clicking on “View last messages”. The last 10 messages will be shown. To get more detailed information, you can click on the “Show details” button.

Reading the last messages

More customization

Inside the options screen, you can further customize the extension if you like. Also, it provides you the option to delete all data stored by the extension.

The settings with their default values are:

  • All transactions are followed (alternatives: only incoming or only outgoing transactions)
  • On start-up, all blocks that were missed during a period of offline time (i.e. the browser was not on), are checked retroactively and if there were transactions found inside missing blocks, a notification will be shown (alternative: do not check missed blocks)
  • On start-up, do not show a notification with the price change (alternative: show a notification with the current price and price change)
  • The RISE node that is used by the extension to get its data; you can enter another RISE node here if you like; the RISE node must have its public api accessible to be used; do not use the RISE web wallet as a node
  • Source that gives out price info; the extension uses coinmarketcap’s api by default
  • When 1 block of information contains both incoming and outgoing transactions, 1 message is shown with all transactions and their total sum (alternative: give 2 separate messages; 1 for incoming transactions and 1 for outgoing transactions)
  • In case of connection problems, you can enable the extension to show notifications with the error message. It is disabled by default.
  • At any time, you can permanently delete all data stored by the extension. If data should be deleted, select the checkbox and then click on the button “Remove all data”.

That concludes the guide for the RISE browser extensions.

When the extension is released on the official channels (e.g. on Google Chrome Web Store), I highly recommend removing the old extension (by clicking “Remove” on the Extensions screen) and installing the new extension via the browser’s official channel.

I hope you enjoy your RISE app. Till next time!

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