Walk away…


“Appreciative love gazes and holds its breath and is silent, rejoices that such a wonder should exist even if not for him, will not be wholly dejected by losing her, would rather have it so than never to have seen her at all.” — C.S. Lewis

Walk away…

…before I ask for something you can’t give me.

…because our exchanges are so healing even in the midst of my personal journey of pain. By its very nature, it isn’t yet time for joy.

…with both of us knowing this can’t last.

…since I can’t limit myself to who you need me to be.

…while we both know I will ruin your perceived life path. Right now I fear you ruining mine with all your beauty, warmth, and joie de vivre I can’t possess. Who will hurt more?

…to protect yourself from looking deeper into what is lacking in your life. Someday you will do that work and discover your core need.

…despite your boundless compassion, you aren’t in a position to comfort me fully. I need it on demand at the moment.

…as I can’t convey what I have learned about soul mates and you’ll have to go thru the rocky road yourself before you know for certain.

Walk away so I can relish and hold tightly this fragment of my life story as the start of what might have been.

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Image by Shawn Hoke


