The Future of NFTs is Good (Vibes)

Vibrating Hamster NFT
3 min readNov 19, 2021


With a name like Vibrating Hamsters, it’s gotta vibe good.

The team behind VH promised ourselves that we would only launch this project if we could create something that’s as fungasmic as the art that inspired it. It had to include some new tech that expands why people love NFTs. And it had to make anyone who even got close to it a little bit happier.

Most of all, it had to be legit — legit enough we’d be proud to share it with our mom, your mom, or most any mom. But let’s get off moms. We’re posting this now to say, we think we’ve hit our marks, mommy.

The hamsters are ready to be unleashed, unchained and unwheeled. And you are invited along for the vibe.

But there’s no rush, yet.

First, you deserve a clear vision for what we hope to achieve and why this should all matter to you — besides the fact that you’ll be getting in on the most precisely cute art available.

So let’s do this.

What makes VH different?
It’s the HAMMYness. This is not an NFT drop. It’s the launch of the habitat for autonomous massively multiplayer yield or HAMMY for short.

  • The good vibes comeback starts with 1,008 hamster NFTs. Each has their own inherent worth in their precise cuteness, rarity and spirit. Some even have their own glasses.
  • The hamsters’ value will also grow from their superpower — a unique ability to interact on the Solana blockchain.
  • Why on the chain? We want to create a permanent record of what people have done for each other to create good vibes. Because more than anything, we believe good vibes should live forever.

An entirely new vision for NFTs (and gaming in general):

  • This NFT will reward those that contribute most rather than just those that arrived first.
  • Competition is great but the need to create scarcity to fuel cash grabs can’t go on forever. That’s why we’re embracing a model that rewards both individuals and the community for every positive interaction that involves a hamster.
  • The hamsters that are the best at sending good vibes will appreciate faster on their own while helping grow the value of the entire community.

More than ownership:
You’re joining a team.

  • You’re not just an owner— you’re a teammate. This may seem like semantics. But we believe that the way to feel more reality from gaming comes from a connection that goes beyond ownership.
  • You’ve got things to do. And so does your hamster. While you’re off checking wallets, reading replies to replies and ordering Doordash, your hamster is open for business 24/7, violating all sorts of labor laws, sending out and receiving good vibes.
  • And each vibe it sends out, helps you, which helps everyone. Because this team is only limited by the vibes.

Cool. Cool. Now what? How much? Take my Solana!

If this sounds good for you, there’s a place for you. And you can get in for next-to-nothing — or even nothing — if you step up.

We’re committed to community over everything.

  • We’ll give away hamsters from our initial launch of 1,008 to particularly awesome community members we find who are ready, eager and willing to embrace the hamsterverse.

Follow this Medium to find out when and how.



Vibrating Hamster NFT

The first NFT your friends can interact with on the Solana chain