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Writing Frameworks for Smoother and Effective Writing

Victoria Ibukun


Writing frameworks refer to universally accepted pre-defined models/structures that provide a logical roadmap for creating content readers will likely enjoy.

Remember, 9 out of 10 (most) readers have a short attention span and relatively sensitive way of interpreting sentences, i.e., low comprehension level.

In short, only loyal readers will read an article created without a framework, no matter how valuable the write-up is. Plus, frameworks can help you write quality content faster than usual.

As you can see, a writing framework is the secret of every productive writer.

I, too, use writing frameworks, so you don’t have to worry about how to apply them. After all, they birthed several unique articles I wrote, such as 5 sabotaging behaviors and 10 self-improvement tips.

Here is a balanced list of writing frameworks for various writing types:

List of Useful Content Writing Frameworks

4-Point Content Writing Framework

The 4-point content writing framework is an intricate framework created by Neil Patel. It consists of 4 main elements. I call it HI-S-S-P, which means the following:

  • HI; Headline and Introduction.
  • S; Scannanbility.
  • S; Storytelling techniques.
  • P; Proofread & edit.

This Neil Patel’s content writing framework is listed here because it can build your target reader's curiosity and keep it. Additionally, it encourages a professional (which is beneficial for you) relationship with your readers.

LEMA Content Writing Framework

The LEMA framework, popularised by Content marketer; Lily Ugbaja, focuses on satisfying search intent, i.e., explicitly answering the reader's questions.

Similar to Neil Patel’s framework, which thrives on the reader’s attention, this LEMA framework has 4 elements, each with its definition.

  • L is for Logic. It advises writers to explain concepts the ideal readers need to know. When using the L in LEMA’s framework, I incorporate the lessons I have learned from the 5 stages of market awareness.
  • E is for Explictness. It advises writers to be more specific when sharing information or answers.
  • M is for Memorability. It advises writers to use words to positively evoke reader's long-term memory so that the readers remember the article and your brand.
  • A is for Action. It advises users to add a clear and specifically written CTA. This CTA is meant to persuade the reader to buy your solution which will you make money by writing.
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List of Useful Copywriting Frameworks

BAB Copywriting Framework

The BAB (Before After Bridge) copywriting model is another short and straight-to-the-point persuasive form of writing. It shows credibility in 3 easy steps that become more powerful when professionals deliberately practice it.

You and I can at least agree that we live in a busy world — everybody wants what is best for them.

With the BAB framework, you won’t waste anyone’s time, your target audience will love your solution more because it now appears credible, and it will help you make money blogging.

PAS Copywriting Framework

The PAS framework is a persuasive writing approach that helps users to write in a way that nudges the reader’s interest and desire. It enables the ideal target audience (customers) to read your message and believe in your solution.

It is advisable you create valuable solutions if you want to future-proof your piece of writing. Remember, useful solutions = valuable messages = increase in readers.

The PAS framework is also a short form. Each alphabet — P, A, and S — has meaning and use. They are:

  • The P means Problem. And it tells writers to identify common pain points, which helps with clearly writing them out and empathizing with readers.
  • The A means Agitate. And it tells writers to provoke a need for a solution by explaining how the problem may affect other parts of the reader’s life.
  • The S means Solution. And it tells readers to deliver by writing a well-thought-out call to action.

List of Useful Story Writing Frameworks

Freytag’s Pyramid

Freytag’s pyramid is one of the most used storytelling structures. It helps creative writers create relatable and believable content that readers will find exciting.

Depending on the writer, the 4 elements of the Freytags Pyramid storytelling structure can be employed. The elements include the following:

  1. Exposition.
  2. Rising action.
  3. Climax.
  4. Falling action.
  5. Denouement.

When you use this method of storytelling, you can create a narrative that elicits your desired action from the readers.

Three-point Storytelling Structure

The Three-point structure, also known as the Three act structure, is a simple and short narrative writing framework that helps writers to develop captivating and satisfying stories effectively.

It allows writers to easily share their imagination on paper through its 3 simple and breakable elements/acts — the setup, confrontation, and resolution.

  • Its first element, the setup, excites the readers and enables them to understand the main characters and the story’s purpose.
  • Its second element, the confrontation, makes the readers care about finishing the story by throwing obstacles at the characters.
  • Its last element, the Resolution, shows the reader why the story has a purpose and prompts them to have a long-lasting interest in the story.

List of Useful Academic Writing Frameworks

IMRAD Academic Writing Structure

The IMRAD structure is a research writing format used to create readable reports, articles, or academic journals for planned and systematic research.

Louis Pasteur invented this journal format to improve the readability of academic resources by an average literate. Each letter of the IMRAD structure represents the following:

  • I — Introduction.
  • M — Methods.
  • R — Results.
  • D — Discussion.

However, it helps researchers to quickly create easy-to-understand and believable journals/reports by not providing in-depth details.

Problem Statement Framework

The problem statement framework is a clarity-optimized academic structure that provides several theoretically correct answers. It works by ‘stating a problem,’ ‘analyzing previous research,’ and ‘providing an acceptable conclusion.’

In academic writing, clarity is one of the major issues because it requires several technicalities and careful experimentation. When the Problem Statement Framework is used, beginner researchers may passively learn how to execute research correctly.

My Parting Words

Familiarizing yourself with these extensive lists of writing frameworks is just the first step to writing unique and eye-catching write-ups. Next, you need to make the tough decision of using them.

I understand how difficult it may be to craft an article using the knowledge you have gained here. Fortunately, you have me to help you on your journey.

Remember, I am just an email away. You can always message me via oludareibukun17@gmail.com for your writing-related enquires.



Victoria Ibukun

Writing my best as a Website, social media, and Medium Writer. Hire my services via oludareibukun17@gmail.com