GSoC 2024 with OpenMRS : Week 01

Vijay KV
2 min readMay 31, 2024


The coding period officially began on the 27th of May. In this period contributors will get twelve weeks to work on their projects. In my previous blog post, I’ve shared my experience of the community bonding period. You can read it here. In this blog post, I’ll share my experience of the first week of Google Summer of Code 2024.

Time to code

During the first week, I read through the documentation for setting the global states across whole app wide and that can be updated by any other module. I gained a better understanding of the project’s architecture and how can we get it implemented. I also received feedback from the UI/UX design team regarding the design of tutorial and where these are implemented.

Help menu

On our recurring weekly call, we discussed on documenting the workflows and had a serious discussion about how we can involve the flow for patient specific tutorial flow for the Walkthroughs in the tutorials. My mentors Jayasanka and Piumal guided me to keep the onboarding enable/disable button temporarily in the configuration and modify this PR according to that.

Challenges Faced

  • Difficulty in the placement of help menu : It took some time to determine where we can set up the help menu component, so that It can be accessed whole app wide.
  • Confusion in the design : The Zeroheight and Zeplin had two different designs for the help menu.

Plans for Next Week

  • Integrate the help button as per the designs.
  • Drafting a text based document for the walkthroughs.

That comes end to my first week of coding period. For more updates, you can follow my OpenMRS talk thread and wiki page.

Thank you for reading. Stay Tuned for the week 2 post, Peace ✌️.

