Key points for Warp Drive

3 min readDec 12, 2021


The ambition of is to provide easy-to-use and valuable tools that improve the user experience of Network of Momentum and provide value to the Zenon community members.

To reach these ambitions is developing a toolkit to help make life easier for Network of Momentum participants while closely listening to community feedback to help improve the features.

Please refer to zenon.tool’s initial Warp Drive submission document for more details on the goals and background of this project.


As introduced in the Warp Drive submission document, the project has been roughly divided into three phases. Currently the project is in Phase 1 and will be transitioning to Phase 2 shortly.

Phase 1 goals that have been accomplished:

The source code for the front-end web app will be published under a permissive open source license during Phase 2 after the codebase has gained some maturity.

Impact provides information from Network of Momentum that is important for the whole community. The information is provided in a human-friendly and accessible way and the tools provided by have been used by hundreds of community members already. has played a meaningful role in how the community has interacted with the network and how Pillar operators have gone about attracting delegators in these early stages of the network.


I’m not aware of any similar initiatives being developed at this time.


  • $80/month VPS for running a full node that is used as the source for NoM data, and for running the backend scripts that cache the data used by the web app.
  • Cloud backend costs are currently within the free tier, but the free tier quotas will run out as the website gains more users. The goal is to have the website’s data updated in real-time, which will increase the cloud backend costs.
  • Time.
  • Income losses if I take time off my primary work to develop this project.


Please refer to the Warp Drive submission document section Project status and roadmap. Completing the first two phases will be the primary goal for the next six months.

Phase 2 goals for the next six months can be broken down into:

  • Implementing staking and LP APR estimates into the NoM data refiner and improving the existing features based on community feedback
  • Implementing a real-time data stream for the web app (current data refresh frequency is 5 min)
  • Improving the codebase and open sourcing the web app’s code
  • Creating a prototype of the Portfolio tool

The roadmap and goals are not set in stone and changes to them based on community feedback and needs should be expected.


Whether will apply to Accelerator-Z depends on how the project evolves during the coming months and if the funds from the Warp Drive hackathon are sufficient to reach the primary short-term goals of the project.

The long-term funding/income source for maintaining and developing is still under consideration.

