A short lecture on Anki

2 min readNov 16, 2022


( This is an article for people who already know what Anki is ).

The flashcard app Anki ! ( Source )

I have been using Anki for quite some time now and I can honestly say that it transformed the way I learn.

For the longest time , I was obviously not using it and also not any other “learning app“. And that ´s not because I “did not need it“ , it was rather because I did not know something like this exists. As always,you have to figure this out by yourself. It was not recommended by anyone at school , not even teachers have heard of it. And I think that this is pretty sad. We get taught what to learn but not how to do it, although I would argue that this is the most important part about it. Anybody can throw some information on students but telling them how to remember these information is someting few are able to do.

Anyways, about 1,5 years ago I made a change in my learning habits ( which were not good ) and tried to find another way to learn. Previously, I had just written everything on random papers, tried to memorize them and then did some random pratice questions. Nothing was organized in any kind of way and the papers would just go into the trash ones the exam was done. However, then I discovered Notion and especially Anki. They were like my life savers. Finally, after all those years of learning in an unorganized and random way, I had a clear structure. Not only that but the way I learn was actually backed up by science.

So I wrote my notes in Notion and converted them into Anki cards. Boom, grades improved significantly. But I do not solely use Anki for school, also when I want to learn something by mself like computer science, I use Anki and make some flashcards.

And the best thing about this is that my notes and flashcards are…

  1. …always with me ( because they are digital)
  2. …are organized neately so I can be sure that I will always find them.
Recently got my 600 day streak !

Thanks for reading.

By the way, I also use Anki when learning how to code . If you are a developer and looking to learn how to code or you simply want to get better at it, you can check out CodingNotes which will provide notes and flashcards on popular languages. You can read an introduction here CodingNotes — a short introduction | by Finn | Nov, 2022 | Medium .




Software developer 👨‍💻 and Notion enthusiast✍️ driven to make the world better. Visit me at https://finnguha.dev ✅ and https://twitter.com/coding_notes 🚀