Data-driven components in Vue.js

Vinicius Teixeira
The Startup
Published in
7 min readMay 25, 2020

TLDR: In this article, we discuss building components based on the data definitions. Code available at vinicius0026/data-driven-components

Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash

This is the fourth article in our Structuring Large Vue.js Applications series. Here is the full list of released and planned articles:

In the previous articles, we discussed how to adopt TypeScript in a lean way and how to modularize the application logic in Vue.js applications. But in both articles, we barely touched Vue components. It’s time to change that. In this article, we will pick up where we left and will leverage our Type definitions and our modularized logic to build a lean, maintainable, and reusable invoice component.

Let’s get started!

Sketching the functionality

In our previous articles, we have defined a simplified data model for an invoice application, and we have built the core logic for handling operations on an invoice. If you haven’t checked these articles yet, now it is the time to do it.

Today we are going to build a few components to render and manipulate an invoice.

Below we have a rough mockup of what we want the component to look like:

Mockup for Invoice component

Please keep in mind that our goal here is to discuss code structure. We will overlook concerns such as UI and UX.

Planing the components

So, how do we go about breaking up the requirements into manageable components? And, perhaps more importantly, what will the interface (props, events emitted, slots) of these components look like?

Here is one possible high-level breakdown of the components:

Components breakdown

The two main components here are the Invoice and LineItem components. The Invoice component takes an invoice object of type Types.Invoice and, whenever this object changes, emits the updated invoice. The same thing happens for the LineItem component.

The ProductSelector component will encapsulate the logic for selecting a product and will emit the chosen product.

If we use appropriate names for the props and events emitted, we can use Vue’s v-model directive to bind data to our components. Let's see how that works in code.

Invoice component

We can start by implementing the Invoice component fully, assuming the other parts are available. This approach will generate a wish-list of components that we will implement one by one.

Invoice component definition

Our invoice model doesn’t currently have the concept of Invoice Number or Invoice Due Date. It would be straightforward to add it to the invoice type and modify the invoice module, but to make this article simpler, we are just hard coding some values there for now.

Notice how we are taking a prop of type Types.Invoice and are emitting input events whenever the invoice is changed. Now our modularized Invoice logic is paying off its price. Look how simple the code in our Invoice component is: it just ties the events from the underlying components to the Invoice module.

We are using the Emit decorator from vue-property-decorator. It will emit the return value of the decorated function, which makes this code really concise. If you are not used to it, it is possible to achieve the same thing by doing:

Using explicit $emit instead of Emit decorator

Notice also how we are invoking the LineItem and AddLineItem components, that we have not yet implemented. Let's take care of that.

AddLineItem component

Let’s start with the AddLineItem component. In the Invoice component, we have defined that the AddLineItem component should emit an add event whenever a line item is added. This is the component definition:

AddLineItem component definition

This component is also rather simple. We have a button that will trigger our EditLineItemModal component, passing a new LineItem object to it. This new line item object is built in the newLineItem method. Notice how here we are using a Types.Partial<Types.LineItem> type.

Types.Partial is a helper that we will add to the types folder to allow having incomplete objects of a certain type. In this case, we don't have a product to assign to the LineItem object, that is why we are using a partial. This how the Types.Partial helper is defined:

Partial type definition

A Partial object will have the same properties of the passed-in type, but all fields can be undefined or null. This helper should be used with caution because we cannot know if the properties are present or not.

Let’s move on to the EditLineItemModal component now.

EditLineItemModal component

EditLineItemModal definition

We are using a SimpleModal component here to encapsulate the modal behavior. It is the same code as available in We are not going to reproduce the modal code here, but it is available at the repo.

This component has three fields to define a LineItem: the product field, encapsulated in the ProductSelector component, and two input fields for the rate and quantity.

One thing to notice here is how we are making a local copy of the passed-in prop. As we have Ok and Cancel buttons, we cannot update the prop itself when a field is changed, because the user might hit cancel. So we do a deep copy of the item prop into the localLineItem object anytime the item changes and emit the local line item when the user clicks Ok.

Also, as the rate is a Decimal object, we had to wrap its value in a getter and setter, so that we can transform it to and from a number, that is what the input html element can handle. If you have several places in your application where you need to handle Decimals, you might want to create a DecimalInput component that takes Decimals in and emits Decimals out, so that you can use v-model directly with your Decimal object.


The ProductSelector component is a thin wrapper around the select element.

ProductSelector component definition

We are hardcoding the products here to simplify our example. But in an actual application, this component would have the ability to search the products, loading them as needed from an API. The main takeaway here is that we are encapsulating the product selection in a component, so we can easily change its internals, without affecting the components that use it. If you need to implement a selector similar to this one, take a look at Vue Multiselect.

We have now completed the components needed to build the AddLineItem functionality. Let's move on to the LineItem component.

LineItem component

LineItem component definition

The LineItem component shows the line item details, along with the line item total amount. There are also two buttons, one to edit the current line item and one to remove it from the invoice.

We are reusing the EditLineItemModal component we wrote for the AddLineItem. We emit a LineItem object whenever the item is edited. We also emit a remove event when the user clicks the Delete link. Once again, we are using our module's logic when needed, in this case, to calculate the total amount of the line item.

Using the Invoice component

Now our Invoice component is fully developed, and we can use it in our application. Let's add it to the existing HelloWorld component.

Using the Invoice component

Here, we are creating a local invoice, using the Invoice module, and passing it to the Invoice component we just wrote.

The Invoice component is fully usable — we can add, remove, and edit line items, and the total amount is calculated correctly. In a real application, instead of just tying the Invoice component with a local data invoice object, we would probably link it to a Vuex store that would eventually trigger network requests to send the data to some API. Anyway, we have neatly encapsulated the invoice manipulation logic in the component, which delegates the business logic handling to the modules.


If you are reading closely, you might have noticed that we haven’t added validation to our EditLineItemModal form. This could lead to a bad state in our application because this component is taking a Partial line item object as a prop, and it might as well emit a partial LineItem. Let's fix that now.

Disabling OK button if localLineItem is invalid

This is a bit naive validation, but it is enough for our purposes. Now it is not possible to save a line item if the product or rate are not set or if the quantity is not a number.

In a real application, we should use more robust validation libraries such as Vuelidate or Vee Validate.

Wrapping up

We have developed a few components to create our invoice functionality. We started by defining a rough wireframe for the invoice component and have broken it down into smaller pieces.

We created small and maintainable components that are derived from our type definitions. As promised, the components are a thin layer that wires the user interactions with our core logic. As long as we keep the interface (props/events) untouched, we can change our components freely, and the overall functionality should still work.

I hope you have liked this approach. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Originally published at on May 25, 2020.

