Adopting TypeScript in your Vue.js Application in a sane way

Vinicius Teixeira
The Startup
Published in
8 min readMay 14, 2020

TLDR: We discuss adopting TypeScript in Vue.js applications in a simple yet powerful and maintainable way. The final code is available at vinicius0026/adopting-typescript-in-vue

Photo by Faye Cornish on Unsplash

This is the second article in our Structuring Large Vue.js Applications series. Here is the full list of released and planned articles:

As a JavaScript application starts to grow, having type hints and type checking helps immensely with code self-documentation and with refactoring. This is not different for Vue.js applications, so if your app is growing and you see a lot of Cannot read property 'x' of undefined in your error logs, you probably should consider giving TypeScript a shot.

In the past, I have been skeptical about TypeScript benefits. But after adopting it in a sizeable Vue.js codebase, I’m not looking back and will definitely use it even for small/mid apps.

One of the misconceptions I’ve seen when it comes to adopting TypeScript is that it means you should use an Object-Oriented way of building your app, using classes all around to model your data. That is an option, but it is not mandatory, and, in my opinion, it is not the best way to go. In this article, we will explore using interfaces instead of classes as a lean way of adding types to your data. This will make TypeScript easier to adopt and maintain.

In a future article, I’ll discuss modularizing the application logic by having a functional core for the application, which will heavily use the TypeScript basis we will lay in this article.

I hope I’m able to deliver on the goal of providing a sane way of using TypeScript in a Vue.js application. If I’m successful, I hope you will give TypeScript a shot in your current or next Vue.js app!

Let’s get started.

Data Model

To have a concrete example to play with, we are going to use a simplified model for an Invoice application. These are the main models and their relationships for our example app:

Entity Relationship Diagram for our example app

Putting it in words, a User creates an Invoice, which is comprised of multiple LineItems, which in turn reference a Product. The User will have a name and an avatar, the Invoice will have a total amount, the LineItem will have a rate and a quantity, and the Product will have a name and a description.

Let’s create some interfaces representing these types. We will discuss where to put these in a bit, but we can start thinking in terms of typed data structures from now on.

Loosely defined types derived directly from our Model definition

For now, we are using number for the Product.rate and the Invoice.totalAmount. In any application that deals with money, we must avoid using raw numbers (or floats in other languages) and should use a Decimal type. Later in this article, we will address this issue by using decimal.js instead of raw numbers for these fields.

Scaffolding the app

To add these types to an actual Vue.js application, we can generate a new app from scratch using vue-cli. Below is the full config I'm using for this article (don't worry, you should be able to use the recommendations in this article in any setup):

Selected features in vue-cli to scaffold the app

At this point, we have a nice base to start developing our app.

Adding our type definitions to the app

Now comes the question, where should we put the interfaces we have declared above? To answer this question, we need to define some properties we want from whatever solution we adopt. In my opinion, these are the properties we should have for our type definitions:

  • Easy to access from the whole application
  • Ability to modularize the definitions, grouping related interfaces together
  • Easy to change when needed

After defining these constraints, we can think about the things we don’t want:

  • Having to import the interface declaration in every file we use them
  • Having to fix import paths and references when we move an interface declaration from one place to the other

TypeScript Namespaces are a great way to achieve all the desired properties while avoiding the unwanted behavior. We will put our interface definitions in a types directory under the src folder. Inside this directory, we will create as many files as we need to group related types. In each of these files, we will use the same Types namespace.

For this example, we will need three files. In the first one, we will declare the User related interfaces. For now, we will just have the user interface itself.

User-related types

In the second file, let’s put the product-related interfaces. For now, the only interface we will have here is the Product interface itself, but, in the future, we might add product categories and other related types.

Product-related types

And finally, in the third file, we will declare the Invoice related interfaces, which are the Invoice itself and the LineItem interfaces. The LineItem interface doesn't seem to deserve its own file at this point, because it is closely related to the Invoice. We can always move it to its own file later if that makes sense.

Invoice-related types

There are a few things to note here. First of all, notice how we have used the same Types namespace in all these files. That is possible thanks to TypeScript's Multi-File Namespaces.

Another thing we did was to export the interfaces. This way, all of the declared interfaces will be available under Types.SomeInterface.

Finally, note that when using the types declared in a different file, but in the same namespace, we don’t need to use the Types namespace to access them, as we can see in the invoice.ts declarations, where we were able to reference the Product and User interfaces even though they were declared in separate files.

Using the declared types in a Vue component

Let’s see how we would use these types in a Vue component now. We will do that by creating a method in the generated HelloWorld.vue component and adding some type annotations to it.

Adding a method to a Vue component to test the Type annotations

This is a bit contrived example, but we were able to access the interfaces declared in our Types namespace and we have full type checking in the component. We can see that it is working by removing any of the required properties from some of these objects and see how the type checker will raise an exception.

The error we get after removing a required property from the product object

In the image above we can see that the TypeScript checker is erring out after we have removed the description property from our product object. If we add a type annotation to the product object instead of relying just on type inference, we will see the error being reported for it instead of for the invoice object.

After adding a type annotation to the product object directly, the error message is closer to the actual problem.

Let’s sit back and review what we have just done. With very little effort, we were able to define types for our data in a way that is modular, easy to change, and easy to access from anywhere in our application. We used a bit contrived example, but we will expand on that in future articles when we discuss modularizing our application logic and establishing a clear boundary using services.

Using third-party defined types

Before we finish, let’s take care of the number types we temporarily used in the LineItem and Invoice interfaces.

First, we need to install the decimal.js package:

$ npm install --S decimal.js

Now, we will use the Decimal class provided by decimal.js instead of a raw number in the src/types/invoice.ts. If we just replace number with Decimal in the field type, we will get an error: Cannot find name 'Decimal'.

‘Decimal’ name does not exist in the global context

We can try to import the Decimal name from decimal.js.

We are not able to have import’s in namespace definition files

But that gives us different errors. The underlying issue here is that we cannot import anything in a namespace declaration file. To fix it, we need to instruct TypeScript to consider Decimal a global type, that will be available for our entire application, including the interface definition files.

We can achieve that by declaring a global module for our decimal lib. We do that by creating a modules directory in our types folder and adding a file to it, with the following content:

Adding the decimal library to the global namespace

This will make the Decimal type available under a decimal namespace. We now need to fix our invoice interface.

Updating the Invoice types to use Decimal instead of number. Check lines 5 and 12 above.

If everything is correct, we should now get an error in our HelloWorld.vue component, because it is still using numbers to represent the line item rate and the invoice total amount. Let’s fix that:

Fixing the lineItem and invoice objects that were still using number instead of Decimal for money-related quantities

Now the type checker verification is successful and we are using appropriate types for our money related fields.

We can appreciate how TypeScript helped us in this last fix after we changed the types for a couple of fields. If we didn’t have type checking we would have the risk of missing some of the instances still using numbers instead of Decimals. TypeScript will show us the offending code right away.

Wrapping up

We have devised a simple yet powerful way of declaring our types, which will make our codebase safer and easier to change.

We included third-party classes to handle specific money related fields, and made TypeScript load those types into a separate namespace.

We were able to refactor the invoice definition to use the Decimal type and the type-checker helped us fix the old objects that were still using number instead of Decimal.

All this will serve us a long way as we go deeper in the next posts! We will create modules to hold our application logic and will use services to establish a clear application boundary, all while keeping all of our data typed and safe.

Stay tuned for more!

Shameless Plug: If you liked this article and there are openings in our company, I’m currently looking for a job as a Senior Full Stack Engineer. You can check my Linkedin and drop me a line at vinicius0026 at gmail dot com if you think I’m a good fit. Cheers! 😃

Originally published at on May 14, 2020.

