Weather Station using Arduino Uno

Viraj Shirsale
3 min readMay 1, 2019


Nowadays , we all have climate detail on the screen of our smart phones,But if you are still interested of finding Temperature and Humidity of your room then this Artical is for you.

So lets start from the basics of Arduino Uno ,this is a board which is Embedded system which use ATmega 328P IC and offer alot of feature such as Analog , Digital READ &WRITE , PWM , Timer and many more . YOu are make your own Arduino board as given in my previous artical ,Or just purchase one from supermarket , This need arduino IDE for programming which I will explain how to use in later part of this artical.

DHT 11

We are using DHT 11 for this because it cheap , easily available in market it is Easy to use (Compatible), Its Range of temperature is approriate for our use (0'C -50'C)

The sensor has three pin data Yellow is the Data pin connect to the digital data port of arduino which is 2 (Remember this we need this which coding for it),The red one is VCC which is supply need 5V and the Black one is ground .

Now we need to code first download Arduino IDE

You need to connect arduino using its cord to PC before connecting press reset connect and then leave the reset , now select the comm port in IDE

Open the IDE and Include library for DHT 11 .Download the ZIP from the GitHub and Add to your Arduino IDE.

ADD DHT Unified code from the Examples .

Make these changes in the code and you can see the valuse in your serial monitor

Thats it for this artical Next Artical will be about interfacing LCD with this to display the data on it.

Till then good bye.

