Do Beliefs in God Matter?

A Compelling and Comprehensive Analysis

Vijay S Sharma
4 min readOct 5, 2023


In a world teeming with differing viewpoints on spirituality and belief systems, one question remains a focal point of endless debate: Do our beliefs contribute to our overall happiness, health, and success? Or are they just an emotional scaffold that helps us navigate the complexities of life? Let’s unpack this conundrum through a categorical analysis of belief systems and a thought experiment, weaving in the apparent contradictions and caveats that arise along the way.

Beliefs image
Credit: Alpha Stock Images —

The Spectrum of Beliefs: Categories A to J

Belief systems regarding higher powers can be neatly classified into ten categories, each with its own distinct characteristics:

A: Single God believer.
B: Believes in a different single God.
C: Unified multi-God believer.
D: Polytheistic.
E: Pantheistic, where everything is God.
F: Theist but undecided on specifics.
G: Atheist with respect for theists.
H: Atheist, dismissive of believers.
I: Atheist focused on personal perfection.
J: Atheist who believes in Karma.

Each group has its own rituals and practices, adding further nuance to their belief system.

A Revealing Thought Experiment

For a deeper look, let’s engage in an experiment:

1. Pinpoint your own category (A to J).
2. Consider individuals you know who belong to different categories.

Respond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the following for each category:

- Unhappy
- Unhealthy
- Poor
- Unsuccessful
- Unsafe
- Mentally deprived
- Shorter expected lifespan

If even one of these prompts a ‘No,’ it’s clear that beliefs don’t hold the key to worldly success or happiness.

Observations and Paradoxes

In a twist of irony, it’s not lost on us that successful atheists seem to fare just as well as their theist counterparts. This leads us to several unsettling conclusions:

1. God might exist.
2. God might not exist.
3. Some people attribute their success to God.
4. Others succeed without divine intervention.

The Afterlife Conundrum

If your hope is pinned on an afterlife, consider this: The notion of an afterlife remains scientifically unverified. Deciding your earthly actions based on an uncertain future might not be your most strategic move.

Concluding Thoughts

The analysis takes us on a philosophical roller coaster, landing us at a junction of multiple realities and infinite possibilities. Your belief isn’t superior; each belief system harbors equal potential for a fulfilling life. What really counts are your actions, not your convictions.

If a God does exist, it probably does not care much — our entire existence being less significant than a grain of sand in the cosmic scheme of things.

Maybe, God is someone like an everlasting pond in your backyard. The pond won’t come to you when you’re thirsty, but if you take care of it, it can provide hydration, cleanliness, and even leisure. The mere presence of this never-drying water source would serve as irrefutable proof of God’s existence, yet it would remain entirely your choice whether to engage with it or not.

Thus, let’s focus on the tangible and the real — the actions that genuinely shape our existence — rather than getting entangled in endless debates about beliefs.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

My Upcoming Work

I am in the process of composing groundbreaking theories that challenge conventional wisdom on the universe’s origins, its evolution, the concept of life, God, the soul, the afterlife, and the complex landscape of human emotions. I’ve already made headway by publishing my Unified Theory of Emotions, which offers a fresh perspective and can be read here. My other theories, which diverge from current scientific and philosophical beliefs, are in various stages of completion. Stay tuned for a fresh rethinking of these fundamental concepts.

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If you want to understand the reason behind any of your feelings, then be able to control them. Then invest 33 minutes and understand the abridged TAB Unified Theory of Emotions that I have written in this article.


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Vijay S Sharma

Author of Unified Theory of Emotions. Expert in psychology, relationships & mental health. Theories of Universe & Life, God, Soul. Fiction & Poetry @WordView