The Enigma of Emotions

Understanding the Invisible Forces That Shape Us Through Emotions

Vijay S Sharma
5 min readOct 16, 2023
A robot deep in thoughts. AI Image by the author

The Intricate Web of Emotions

Emotions have been a topic of fascination, research, and debate for centuries. These invisible forces shape our perceptions, behaviors, and interactions in a manner so profound yet so subtle that we often underestimate their influence. But what exactly are emotions? Are they mere byproducts of biological processes, the souls’ language, or complex social constructs?

Current Theories

Various theories try to answer these questions. The James-Lange Theory posits that emotions arise from physiological responses. For example, we’re not trembling because we’re afraid; we’re afraid because we tremble. The Cannon-Bard Theory, on the other hand, argues that emotional and physiological responses happen concurrently. The Two-Factor Theory, also known as the Schachter-Singer model, goes a step further to say that emotions are a combination of physical responses and cognitive labeling. Despite these efforts, each theory has its limitations.

Limitations of Existing Models

1. Lack of Universality: Each theory may apply to some emotions or circumstances but not all. For example, not every emotion has a distinct physiological response.

2. Inconsistency: Emotional experience is subjective and can vary from person to person.

3. Non-Measurable: Emotions, as understood through these theories, are not easily measurable or quantifiable.

4. No Predictive Power: These models are descriptive but offer little guidance for predicting emotional outcomes.

Practical Application:

Where Theory Meets Reality

Even with these theories, practical applications like psychology and counselling often hit a wall. Therapists use different tools such as talk therapy, medication, and even alternative treatments like art therapy to help clients navigate emotional mazes. However, the lack of a unified theory or measurement system means treatment can often be trial and error.

The Emergence of Quantifiable Measures

Recent years have seen the development of emotional intelligence tests, mood-tracking apps, and even wearable tech that aims to monitor emotional states. These are baby steps towards quantifying emotions, albeit rudimentary and not universally applicable.

Everyday Examples

1. Work Stress: Ms A is always anxious at work but doesn’t know why. Current theories can describe her emotions but offer no concrete steps for resolution.

2. Romantic Relationships: Mr. B loves his partner but feels unloved in return. Existing emotional theories can’t predict if this imbalance will lead to a breakup or how to fix it.

The Next Frontier: Unified Theories and Emotional Calculators

The field of emotions is ripe for a revolutionary theory that can offer universal applicability, predictive power, and measurable parameters. Imagine an “Emotional Calculator” that could predict your emotional response based on various inputs, offering you a road map to navigate complex emotional landscapes.

The Good News: A Unified Theory of Emotions

Just when you thought understanding emotions was a maze with no exit, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel — a Unified Theory of Emotions. This theory provides a concrete framework that can accurately predict how you’ll feel in any given situation. It breaks down emotions into three main parameters: “Trouble,” “Blame/Thankfulness,” and “Potential Physical Proximity (PPP).”

Definitions According to the Unified Theory:

Love: You feel love for ‘Subject 2’ if you take ‘Trouble’ because of ‘Subject 2’ and do not ‘Blame’ Subject 2 or are ‘Thankful’ to ‘Subject 2’. Your ‘Potential Physical Proximity’ will determine the intensity of love you feel.

Hate: You feel hate towards ‘Subject 2’ if you take ‘Trouble’ because of ‘Subject 2’, ‘Blame’ Subject 2, and are in ‘Potential Physical Proximity’ to Subject 2.

Emotions: You feel an emotion towards ‘Subject 2’ based on the ‘Trouble’ you take or experience, your sense of ‘Blame’ or ‘Thankfulness’ towards Subject 2, and your ‘Potential Physical Proximity’ to Subject 2. If you take no ‘Trouble,’ then you feel no emotion for Subject 2.

Note: The terms in quotes are parameters defined by the Unified Theory.

How Does the Emotion Calculator Work?

This calculator lets you input scores for ‘Trouble,’ ‘Blame/Thankfulness,’ and ‘PPP’ regarding ‘Subject 1’ and ‘Subject 2’ — which could be you, another person, an animal, an object, etc. After entering these scores, the calculator multiplies them to give you a final emotional score. A positive score indicates positive emotions like love, while a negative score reveals negative emotions like hate.

Features of the Unified Theory of Emotions

Applies to All Subjects:

The theory isn’t just limited to human interactions. It applies to pets, objects, and even abstract thoughts or states of mind.


For the first time, we have a method to calculate emotions, making the previously abstract concrete.

Actionable Insights:

This theory provides concrete factors that one can act upon to change one’s emotional state.

Verifiable: The Theory is verifiable instantly by everyone. As soon as you understand the theory. You can imagine any Subject 2 and then evaluate the emotions you feel, on the parameters of Trouble, Blame/Thankfulness, and PPP that the theory describes and instantly verify the theory.


Understanding emotions is a daunting but essential task. Despite the shortcomings of current theories, the quest for a comprehensive, universal model of emotions is far from over. With advancements in psychology, neuroscience, and technology, we might have achieved a breakthrough that can demystify the complex world of emotions, once and for all.

The Unified Theory of Emotions and the Emotion Calculator are pioneering tools that offer precise definitions, broad applicability, and the ability to measure emotional states. It’s time to challenge the limitations of our current understanding and embrace this holistic view of emotions.

Would you like to dive deeper and challenge these definitions? The Unified Theory of Emotions is open for scholarly scrutiny and real-world testing. Let’s change the emotional landscape together!

Read the Unified Theory of Emotions by clicking here

Verify the Emotions Calculator and test it on yourself or anyone else by clicking here

Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash



Vijay S Sharma

Author of Unified Theory of Emotions. Expert in psychology, relationships & mental health. Theories of Universe & Life, God, Soul. Fiction & Poetry @WordView