Lazy-load Non-Routable Modules with Components in Angular 13+

Valentyn Yakymenko
2 min readFeb 15, 2022


Photo by Lukasz Szmigiel on Unsplash

After updating Angular version to 13+ in our project, I realised that we need to update our lazy loading mechanism for non-routable modules with components and services. Here is a tutorial on how to do this.


I will provide you a real-world example in real application.

We have a grid that represent a widgets like in BI tools. Each of this widget depending on its type has it’s own unique components, services and other modules. Our users have a different access rights to the widgets and they need to load them, only when they viewing the grid which contain widgets or trying to add a new widget in it.


Firstly, lets create a parent component where we will render our widget depending on a widget type:

Now we need to create an example of a unique widget with it’s own component, service and module:

All right, we have a parent widget container component and table widget example with a list of rows. Now let’s create our lazy-load service, that will use in order to load and render for widgets per widget type:

In our LazyLoadWidgetService we loading our WidgetTableModule for our widget config with type table . After module load we creating reference to it with injector via createNgModuleRef . Then we simply creating component with createComponent method.


You can easily create more modules with more components and dependencies in this example and add them to the widgetsList . Then depending on a widget type as a key in widgetsList service will load for you a proper module with component and it’s dependencies.


Thanks for reading, hopefully you found this article useful for yourself!

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Valentyn Yakymenko

Front-end Architect at Codeminders | Passionate about web performance optimization. | Code hard, learn more.