Pt. II: Ideas to consider based on the Nairobi_UnConference

Waihiga K. Muturi, Rtn.
3 min readFeb 28, 2024

The Nairobi_UnConference: Beyond Data, Beyond Borders brought together a diverse network of stakeholders from Kenya’s social impact ecosystem. As we reflect on the insightful sessions and conversations, here are key ideas to consider based on the survey:

1. Freely Exchanging Ideas and Challenges

  • Open Dialogue: The UnConference provided a safe space for nonprofits, social enterprises, and service providers to openly share their experiences, challenges, and innovative ideas. Let’s continue fostering this culture of open dialogue beyond the event.

2. Learning Through Experimentation

  • Embrace Curiosity: Nonprofits should view experimentation as an opportunity, not a risk. By testing new approaches, technologies, and data-driven strategies, we can learn and adapt faster. Let’s encourage a mindset of curiosity and continuous learning.

3. Data for Storytelling

  • Narratives Matter: Data isn’t just numbers; it’s stories waiting to be told. Nonprofits can leverage data to create compelling narratives that resonate with donors, beneficiaries, and the wider community. Let’s harness data to amplify impact through storytelling.

4. AI-Enabled Chatbots for Social Impact

  • Accessible Support: AI chatbots can enhance communication with beneficiaries, answer queries, and provide real-time assistance. Nonprofits should explore integrating chatbots into their programs to improve efficiency and reach.

5. Streamlining Data Management

  • Quality Over Quantity: Nonprofits often collect vast amounts of data. Streamlining data management ensures that we focus on relevant, actionable insights. Let’s prioritise data quality and usability.

6. Data Beyond Borders

  • Collaboration Across Boundaries: Data knows no borders. Nonprofits can learn from global best practices, adapt them locally, and share their insights with the broader ecosystem. Let’s break down silos and collaborate across borders.

7. Ethical Considerations

  • Data Privacy and Consent: Nonprofits must handle data ethically. Prioritise informed consent, protect privacy, and ensure transparency. Let’s build trust with our beneficiaries.

8. Scaling Data-Driven Interventions

  • Scaling Smartly: Data-driven interventions can scale impact exponentially. Nonprofits should identify what works, replicate successful models, and adapt them to different contexts. Let’s scale with purpose.

9. Incorporating Local Context

  • Context Matters: Data solutions must align with local realities. Nonprofits should involve community members, understand cultural nuances, and tailor data strategies accordingly.

10. Data Justice

  • Empowering Communities: Who controls the narrative? Data justice means ensuring that data benefits everyone, especially marginalised communities. Nonprofits should advocate for equitable access and representation.

As we move forward, let’s turn these ideas into action. The Nairobi_UnConference sparked the flame; now let’s keep it burning.

Together, we can drive positive change beyond borders.


Joan Mwachi Maxence M. Melo Patrick Munguti Chrispin Kimani
Co-creation Hub (CcHUB) Tetyana Zelenska GlobalGiving Project Tech4Dev Dasra The Agency Fund East Africa Philanthropy Network-EAPN Kenya Connect CDTD Garden of Hope Foundation Lets Create Africa (LCA) Adeso

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Abhishek Nair WAIHIGA K. MUTURI (MPRSK, CPM, RTN.) 🇰🇪 Dawit Taddele Dessie Kavneet Kaur Evans Okinyi Nirali Trivedi Matilda Maseno Donald Lobo Again, Subscribe 📝 Like 👍🏽 Share 🗣 Comment 💬

