Privacy Policy

3 min readOct 11, 2018

Last updated October 11, 2018

Watcht does it’s best to avoid collecting any personal data. Watcht also does it’s best to protect the privacy of your personal data that may be collected. It’s important to understand that by using Watcht that some personal data is required in order for the application to work or for debugging purposes.

Watcht is predominately powered by, which means Watcht interacts with Trakt servers to fetch and display content you see in the application. It is recommended that you refer to the Trakt Privacy Policy regarding how they handle your data. By interacting with Trakt, some personal information may be stored by the application in order for it to work.

Personal Data Collection

Please note that while the following may be collected, it is used for the application to work, such as displaying the information to you, or for debugging purposes.

Personal Data that may be collected indirectly via Trakt:
• Your Trakt account information & preferences;
• Your Trakt content history, eg. Movies/TV Shows watched, collected, rated, listed to watch etc.;
• Your Trakt friend connection information;
• Any other information you may have shared in your Trakt content such as comments or lists.

Other Personal Data that may be collected when interacting with Watcht:
• Your IP address;
• Device information.

Personal Data Usage

Any Personal Data that is collected indirectly via Trakt is for displaying and interacting with the Trakt features within the application.

Any other Personal Data is used for interacting with, and other third party services in order to for the application to work. These services are used for displaying the content and images for the content within the application. These services may include,, and Again it is recommended to refer to these websites on how they might use your data.

Personal Data Disclosure

As mentioned above, some data is used for interacting with some third party services. These third party services are provided only relevant information to complete the tasks. This data is only provided to parties pursuant to an agreement that it will preserve your data and not use it except as instructed.

Person Data Storage and Security

Your Personal Data is stored with reasonable design to protect it from unauthorized access.

Your data is stored on your device and should be deleted upon the application being removed from your device. Alternatively, signing out clears as much data as possible, while enabling the application to work within reason.

Because of this, there is no easy way to request your data, as it’s not accessible otherwise. Contact for any specific requirements.

Policy Toward Children

Watcht is not directed to children under 18. Watcht does not knowingly collect any Personal Data under 13. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that their child has provided any information without their consent, they should delete the application to remove any data, and refer to any third parties regarding their support. Contact for any other other specific information required.

Links and Content

Watcht may provide and display links and content to other websites and third parties. These may include,,,, and Watcht has no control over these websites and is not responsible for protection and privacy of any Personal Data you provide when visiting those websites. They should be consulted for their individual privacy policies.

Updates, Issues and Contact Information

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time, with changes available here.

If you have any issues or questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact


