Building a Project with SE-2 | Crowd Fund | Part Three | The Components

5 min readDec 21, 2023


Image from Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

The last blog went over the Contract. This post will cover the frontend components.

If you are new to Scaffold-ETH-2 (SE-2), check out my Intro into Scaffold-ETH-2 blog.
Want to learn a little bit more before you get started? Here’s a post about writing, reading, and listening to Smart Contracts.

Entry Point

It isn’t necessary to add this component to your own project, but it is good for learning-purposes. It simply shows you the most simplistic aspects of The RainbowKit Connection. You can also look into _app.tsx to see how RainbowKitProvider comes into play. We’re a little too under-the-hood at the moment, but if you want to truly understand how SE-2 is offering so much blockchain functionality, those are some good areas to start (as well as the WagmiConfig in _app.tsx).

Zooming out a bit, we can see that Entry Point serves the purpose of showing us some buttons that we can only use after we have connected our wallet:

Wallet is not yet connected
//entry to dapp
return (
<Link href="/crowdfund/start-fund-run" passHref className="link">
<div className="tooltip tooltip-primary" data-tip="Start your Fund Run today!">
<button className="m-2 btn btn-primary">Start Fund Run</button>

<Link href="/crowdfund/browse-fund-runs" passHref className="link">
<div className="tooltip tooltip-primary" data-tip="Donate to projects">
<button className="m-2 btn btn-primary">Start Donating</button>

This ☝️ returns these buttons 👇

If you can see these buttons, then you have successfully connected your wallet to the dApp

Create a Fund Run

Now, let’s learn how our frontend can call the Smart Contract from Part Two.

Check out this component.

All it takes ( THANKS TO SE-2 🥳 ) to call our function createFundRun on the Smart Contract is this…

const { writeAsync, isLoading } = useScaffoldContractWrite({
contractName: "CrowdFund",
functionName: "createFundRun",
args: [titleInput, descInput, targetInput, deadlineInput],
onBlockConfirmation: txnReceipt => {
console.log("📦 Transaction blockHash", txnReceipt.blockHash);
if (txnReceipt.status === "success") {

☝️☝️☝️Note that we are defining the Contract Name as well as the Function Name we are writing to. In this particular instance, we are also sending the args: Title, Description, Target, and Deadline.
This is a non-payable function (on the contract) that we are calling (createFundRun) with SE-2’s custom hook useScaffoldContractWrite, but the same hook can also be used for payable functions as well. You can see in the code-snippet below that there is little difference between the previous example and how we call a payable function (Line 40):

const { writeAsync, isLoading } = useScaffoldContractWrite({
contractName: "CrowdFund",
functionName: "donateToFundRun",
args: [fundRunSingle?.id],
onBlockConfirmation: txnReceipt => {
console.log("📦 Transaction blockHash", txnReceipt.blockHash);
value: donationInput,

☝️☝️☝️Here we are still using useScaffoldContractWrite, but now we are sending it the ‘Value’ as well (donationInput), and that is how you call a payable function with SE-2.

Use writeAsync like this: writeAsync();
isLoading is a boolean you can use to show progress to the user (with spinners), or you can use it to disable the button that was clicked...

{isLoading ?
<span className="loading loading-spinner loading-sm"></span>

Subscribing to Events with SE-2

When a user creates a Fund Run, we’ll need to redirect them to their new Fund Run. To do this, we’ll subscribe to the FundRunCreated Event with SE-2’s useScaffoldEventSubscriber.
IF we get a new ‘Fund Run Created’ event, then we will want to see if the new Fund Run has an owner that is … well, the user’s address … like this:

contractName: "CrowdFund",
eventName: "FundRunCreated",
listener: logs => { => {
const { id, owner, title, target } = log.args;
"📡 New Fund Run Event \ncreator:",
"\nID: ",
"\nTitle: ",
"\n with a target of: ",
if (userAccount.address == owner) router.push(`/crowdfund/${id}`);

☝️The last line checks if the user’s wallet address is the owner of this (newly-created) Fund Run; IF it is, then it sends the user to that Fund Run’s page.

The Withdrawals

They both look very similar in this scenario…

Here is a bit of the Donor Withdrawal Component:

const { writeAsync, isLoading } = useScaffoldContractWrite({
contractName: "CrowdFund",
functionName: "fundRunDonorWithdraw",
args: [],
onBlockConfirmation: txnReceipt => {
console.log("📦 Transaction blockHash", txnReceipt.blockHash);

return (
<button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={() => writeAsync()} disabled={isLoading}>
{isLoading ? <span className="loading loading-spinner loading-sm"></span> : <>Donor Withdraw</>}

And also the Owner Withdrawal Component:

const { writeAsync, isLoading } = useScaffoldContractWrite({
contractName: "CrowdFund",
functionName: "fundRunOwnerWithdraw",
args: [],
onBlockConfirmation: txnReceipt => {
console.log("📦 Transaction blockHash", txnReceipt.blockHash);

return (
<button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={() => writeAsync()} disabled={isLoading}>
{isLoading ? <span className="loading loading-spinner loading-sm"></span> : <>Owner Withdraw</>}

As you can see they both use useScaffoldContractWrite, with the only difference being the function they are calling.

Reading from our contract

The useScaffoldContractRead hook is particularly handy. Simply give it a Function Name and a Contract Name:

const { data: fundRuns, isLoading: isListLoading } = useScaffoldContractRead({
contractName: "CrowdFund",
functionName: "getFundRuns",

The resulting data will be in fundRuns, and isLoading offers a boolean that I am using with a progress-spinner here:

 if (isListLoading) {
return (
<div className="flex flex-col gap-2 p-2 m-4 mx-auto border shadow-xl border-base-300 bg-base-200 sm:rounded-lg">
<Spinner width="150px" height="150px" />
} else {
return (
{fundRuns?.map(fund => (

☝️when done loading, the fundRuns array gets displayed to the user.

The List Component has the Single Components (a .tsx primarily composed of html/tailwind):

 return (
{fundRuns?.map(fund => (
className="flex flex-col gap-2 p-2 m-4 border shadow-xl border-base-300 bg-base-200 sm:rounded-lg"

<div className="justify-end card-actions">
<Link href={`/crowdfund/${}`} passHref className="link">
<div className="tooltip tooltip-primary" data-tip="donate...">
<button className="btn btn-primary">View Fund Run</button>

Similarly, retrieving just one Fund Run uses a Single FR Component as well.

Here is how to get a single Fund Run by its ID (from the contract):

const { data: fundRunSingle } = useScaffoldContractRead({
contractName: "CrowdFund",
functionName: "getFundRun",
args: fundRun,

Part Four is here, with tons of changes. In the next part, the contract will be altered to allow for a Fund Run to have multiple owners; therefore, simple ‘Owner Withdrawals’ will not be sufficient — these owners will have to create/support/partake in a proposals system where they all have to agree upon each transaction, before it can be sent. Click here to check it out.




Blockchain Development, coding on Ethereum. Condensed notes for learning to code in Solidity faster.