Statement from U.S. Senate Candidate Peter Wenstrup on DSCC Endorsement of Mayor Perkins

Peter Wenstrup
2 min readJul 30, 2020


“We will see in November whether the voters of Louisiana want to replace one career politician with another.”

NEW ORLEANS, LA (July 30th, 2020) — Today, the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC) of Louisiana announced its endorsement of Mayor Adrian Perkins for the U.S. Senate race against incumbent Bill Cassidy.

Democratic Candidate and Louisiana school teacher, Peter Wenstrup, has released the following statement in response to the DSCC’s endorsement:

“My classroom motto was “Whose Truth?” I taught my students to challenge ideas and find solutions for themselves. I am committed to living that approach in my campaign and will fight to empower Louisianans with the tools and trust necessary to face the challenges before us.”

“Bill Cassidy, while he may be a good man, has failed to stand up for Louisiana because he values his career more than his constituents. We will see in November whether the voters of Louisiana want to replace one career politician with another. It is regrettable that the Louisiana Democratic Party has allowed national party politics to make their decision for them.”

“I am proud that the prominent Democrats in this race are running on records of service to our communities, and I trust that the press will educate voters on those records and allow them to make a decision for themselves this November.”

To learn more about Peter Wenstrup and his dedication to serving and empowering the people of Louisiana, visit or follow the campaign on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Medium.

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Peter Wenstrup

Louisiana schoolteacher, father, Democrat, and candidate for the United States Senate.