My 'why' is to explore in curiousty, writing and making images which document and preserve our wild side. If anything, it's my goal to preserve the wildness inside us as well as in the natural world outside; to nurture the symbiosis of humanity and 'nature'. To me, it's a misnomer to separate us from all that is wild. Rather, we are participants, hopefully with a bit of sentience, with the opportunity to help Mother Nature do her thing for the good of all involved. Personally I get outdoors, both solo and with others, as often as possible. My camera has been with me for a couple of decades. As my comfort has grown through that time, that desire has only burned stronger. My gear philosophy and process is effective, minimalistic, light and fast. To me, the experience, people and place come first. Nothing lights me up more than seeing the excitement and euphoria that these events in wild places imbue into people. Historically, I have extensive experience interpersonally in business, event coordination, growing and managing teams, behavior management; as well as a fly fishing guide, hunting guide, and exploring all over the west.

Dan Mead

Dan Mead

Consciousness explorer. My journey is to use the rhythms around us, hobbies and nutrition available to cultivate the sense of now.