Educating Each Other Through WinApp University

2 min readDec 15, 2019


Our logo for fun 🤓

We started the initiative actively in 2018. We do have few activities that we run on the ground and we locate them under “WinApp University”.

  1. Product Sharing
  2. Internal Training
  3. Online Learning Subscription
  4. Course / Workshop / Conference
As a medium for intellectual discourse

Among above, the most exciting activity is product sharing. To make it more manageable, we even maintain schedule to encourage and maximise level of involvement. We created an “idea box” so that everyone can propose the topic.

Idea Box
Platform for team to grow — technical & soft skills

Read more about our culture related to this here : self growth, developer circles, meetup and Lernen durch Lehren




We talk about team culture, stuff we build and anything in between. ☕️