Supporting Self Growth for Collateral Benefit

2 min readNov 12, 2019


We think the best on-going discussion about the subject is this :

We invested in people ❤️. There’re team members participated in Developer’s Conference, attended Human Capital course, participated in conferences and subscribe premium learning materials. We believe in self growth and this is one of the practise that keep us going forward.

Self growth encourage us to move out from our comfort zone. Encouraging and cultivating a culture that pursues personal growth alongside company growth is a recipe for multiple levels of success. A company that clearly cares about the personal development of its team members will have a more engaged workplace, which directly links to team members performance and profitability over time.


Read more about our culture related to this here : meetup, WinApp University, developer circles and Lernen durch Lehren.




We talk about team culture, stuff we build and anything in between. ☕️