Get started with new Crypto token launches: part 1

10 min readMar 14, 2023


Using TUF Free analytics to get started in new project research.

In my last article, I wrote about how to get started in the lucrative but risky low-cap new launch market by finding and monitoring wallets that have a trade history and style that you want to emulate.

You can find the article on the steps to generate your alpha strategy, to tip the odds of success in your favor, here.

That strategy relies on developing your own research, but also other traders. The wallet owners you choose to follow will have their own selection criteria.

There are 100s of new launches every day and a selection of which will have high-profit potential. If the wallet you are following is highly selective (and you should be selecting wallets to follow that are), it means that they are not profiting from all the high-profit potential projects, (and you are oblivious to these other projects).

Why? Perhaps your tracked wallet only enters projects from a select group of people they know in real life. Perhaps they are an elite researcher of new opportunities, but like us all, sleep, go on holidays, have family and perhaps a full-time job, and are simply not active to research and enter every top-tier opportunity that would have fit their selection criteria. Who knows.

We know that the next step in a journey into the low-cap new launch market is to delve into the new launch token marketplace on your own and develop your own independent market knowledge and skill.

This is an activity that will benefit you immeasurably if you have the mindset of being a student, of learning and interpreting blockchain activity, the various on-chain activities, and develop an understanding of smart contract code. Synthesizing and interpreting blockchain data and analytics is the gateway to make better, more informed decisions. Used in conjunction with monitoring the pulse of market trends and behaviors, and perhaps participating with a group of like minded individuals, and you have a recipe for sustained success.

To get started, firstly you have to know what is soon to be launched before a token is an active chart on dexscreener or dextools.

There are variety of options for this, but like in my wallet research article I am going to use again.

TUF: for new launch data analytics.

TUF is a long-established service provider to Crypto market participants, initially providing crypto native blockchain software solutions to the market, its Sniperbots and Trackerbots, and has been selling these successful products to customers for two years+.

To support its software users, TUF developed a platform of on-chain data analytics, TUF Extract at providing information and analytics to help its software users and the public avoid scammers and ruggers, supported by its own TUF Token, recently listed on Coinmarketcap.

Unlike so many projects we see, TUF launched its token with a Day 1 project utility decentralized application (DAPP).

At launch, TUF provided a functioning crypto data analytics web service, and has continued to add new functionality for all tier levels, and continues to create and implement new analytics innovations, which means a long and bright future of the project.

At time of writing the TUF token has a market cap of around $1M and is an organically growing ‘up-and-to-the-right’ token. A large base of TUF token holders are daily users of TUFEXT utility, rather than speculators, limiting downside volatility.

As well as being an organic demand play, I expect the TUF token value to increase hugely if or when, the Crypto markets move from a bear market, to neutral, to a bull market. I expect the demand for TUF token to rapidly multiply in lock step with a crypto user base expansion.

But whether in a bear or bull market, new TUF users/holders onboard to access the unique TUF tools and analytics — tools to increase the probability the user develops a personal unique market edge — The edge: entering more high return projects, and minimizing losses from rugs and scams.

Disclaimer :: I am a TUF token holder which gives me access to tiered data analysis tools, and am also a TUF software user, software used for executing swaps efficiently on the blockchain.

The data TUF generates can be sourced and generated manually with legwork, time and mathematical analysis. TUFEXT simply accelerates and drastically simplifies this process for me, doing in seconds what might be a few hours work. TUFEXT usage is part of my daily toolset.

TUF — for Free Data offers a free tier of data and should be an always-open page in your web browser. I’ll explain why.

The Free Tier user gets a real time update of tokens deployed on the Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain blockchains.

This evolving list updates in real-time and lists recently deployed tokens all in one place, for easy reference, far more efficient than say, delivered one by one in a telegram feed.

The Simulation tab

Clicking on the Simulator tab you can view all available recently deployed (both pre-launch, and launched) tokens in one list. You can toggle into a card view or list view. I prefer List view like this:

You can immediately view all the projects that have deployed in the last 24 hours and those that have deployed and not launched before 24 hours.

By clicking a button you can filter out the already launched token contracts, limiting our view to a real time list of deployed, but not yet launched tokens — all in one place. This is a massive time saver!

At a glance you can see data about the deployed token. for instance:

Column 1:

Icons - Indicating if token has any possible social media links to investigate — If it has added liquidity — If it has removed Liquidity — if it has locked liquidity — If it has gone live. Also, if the token has code that allows a hidden mint of new tokens.
These icons update in real time.

Column 2:

The Token Name, Symbol, Total number of tokens and decimal places used in token creation and deployment.

Column 3:

The Contract address with a link to the contract on Etherscan and click-to-copy contract link.

Checksum: The checksum code assigned to contracts forked from a contract type, and a click to copy checksum link.

The Deployer wallet address and link to deployer wallet on etherscan.

The contract wallet holdings in ETH at deployment.

Column 4 Contract info:
Basic level data analysis. Matching Contracts with the same checksum. Smart contract developers commonly fork other contracts and develop their own code on top. Scammers use the same scam, copying and pasting the same contract again, and again.
TUF matches contracts with the same checksum, and reviews how many went on to turn out to be scam contracts and displays this for users. Contacts with a high scam percentage is an indication to stay away.

Method and Method ID : Gated for Tier 1, 2, 3 users. A tier 1 user will want this data to set up a trading bot to initiate a swap transaction as soon as the token is launched.

Analyse: Gated for Tier 1, 2, 3 users. Higher level data analysis on the contract.

Links to Descreener and Dextools, so users can quickly move to charts, useful for post-launch tokens.

Column 5:

The Buy and Sell taxes at deployment. Low buy tax with high demand/interest tokens are often targets for MevBots. High tax tokens you might want to avoid.

Smart contract developers can change buy and sell taxes after deployment or after launch — often multiple times, or even dynamically by code, so TUF can only show taxes at deployment, and the TUF user will go to etherscan to view the smart contract developers contract changes post deployment, or view these changes live in real time if they are using a TUF Sniperbot software product.

Hint: A comment on the token tax setup — a warning, or otherwise.

Column 6:

A contract will limit how much an initial buyer can purchase per transaction.

This is useful information for new buyers, to set their purchase at or below this limit (number of tokens, or percentage of total tokens).

Column 7:

A contact will limit how much a wallet can hold as an owner.

This is shown here.

The Project view

Click on the project and the TUF site user gets further information, the same information from the list view, but also the results of a live simulation of running the smart contract code.

In the case above you can see that the simulation shows that the contract — besides have very high taxes (a common strategy used by new deployments, with taxes lowered after launch), you can see that sell transactions are not allowed in the first 3 blocks after deployment.

Along with the very high buy and sell taxes, this is a discouragement for MevBots.

The Project View also has a tab listing smart contract Functions (available for tier 1, 2 and 3) as well as Links to possible matching telegram or twitter channels with similar names, sorted by date and user numbers.

Another place to look for potential social links is in the smart contract code itself, clicking through the etherscan link to view the contract code.

Summary: TUF free tier offers Crypto users a place to see all deployed but not launched tokens in real time, the tools for basic analysis and launchpad to begin further research.

Next steps

Spend time building up your knowledge. Start by monitoring tokens on Tufext. Perform basic reviews of tokens and develop a list of several you want to follow each day, which you believe may have potential.

  • Follow tokens from prelaunch and investigate the blockchain.
  • Look at the smart contract actions initiated by the deployer — from adding liquidity, to changing buy or sell taxes post launch, on etherscan.
  • View project websites, telegram channels, twitter channels.
  • The First determination is, is this likely to be a scam, or not?
  • Second, is this going to have appeal to a large group of buyers — does it fit with current memes or have sustained appeal for a user base.
  • Third, has this project got long term value? It is offering something unique and desirable for a base of users over time. Or does it look like hot air?
  • Add these to a Google Sheet — date, token, contract address, website, tg, twitter, with your prelaunch assessment /expectation, as well as results columns.

Now you have a list, monitor tokens post launch

  • Watch the token move from deployment to launch in real time on TUFext then see the market the changes on the chart at Dexscreener or Dextools.
  • Monitor the contract changes on etherscan and see them reflected in
  • Watch what happens when a token becomes a honeypot! eg turns off ability to sell, or turns sell taxes up to 100%
  • Watch what happens with good tokens when you see buy tax or sell tax changes, eg sell tax reduction may mean a sell off by initial buyers who’s intention is a short term play, but also the token may pick up a new host of new buyers looking to enter at a lower price driving price to higher highs.
  • Develop your ideas and models for potential entry criteria, eg you might decide to enter on a sharp pullback, if it happens.
  • Develop your ideas and models for potential exit criterias. If price action does this, do that.
  • Add these results — rug, honeypot, hit entry target criteria, hit exit target criteria A, or exit target criteria B etc. to your Google Sheets list. Review these on a weekly basis. How did the token perform compared to your pre-launch evaluation, and trade enter/exit criteria? This is the basics of paper trading.
  • Evaluate yourself. Practice. Review your methodology. Try a different approach, incorporate new data and new analysis skills.

You are beginning to build your own unique market knowledge as you prepare to make your own — small value — trades, the next step in developing your analysis and skills.

You are looking to answer one Question :

Have I developed an edge to produce positive expectancy for profit over a series of trades, of far higher value and profit potential than the risks and inputs (eg risk capital, time investment, study, opportunity cost) I would have to put in, to execute?

The TUF Ecosphere

TUFext is highly valuable place to start your new launch journey, and the TUF Token telegram channel is a great venue to learn about using TUFEXT and the new token marketplace, from Q &As, to user group discussions — there are chats, scam token warnings, new token calls and trades being made there on pre-launch tokens, but based on real time data analysis, not influencers aiming to profit from their followers.

Going further into the TUF ecosphere.

Tier 1. gives you further contract analysis to give you information to make better decisions and the Method and methodIDs to set-up a successful new token launch swap transactions. Tier 1 access costs 600,000 tokens (+5% buy tax) so circa $650 at today’s TUF token price circa $1M mcap. There is no cost for ongoing use of TUFEXT site utility, and you can sell your TUF tokens at a profit or loss, at any time.

Tier 2 (1.5M tokens) gives you access to deeper level contract analysis, historical data on project and wallets, and real time view into the Mempool — onchain instructions (like swap this token for that one, with this gas price and max gas limit) that have been submitted to validators but not executed, and Tier 3 (5M tokens) gives you access to trading insights and signals based on activities of elite level wallets.

I hope a reader has found this useful!

If anyone has any questions, feel free to message me on twitter, at

