5 min readNov 21, 2017



Lucyd is launching the LCD token sale to develop the glasses of the future. Our next-gen AR display is going to put your favorite apps right before your eyes, so you can finally look up from your phone. Watch the video to see how Lucyd technology will streamline the way you receive information and communicate. You will find out a bit about how the patents behind Lucyd give it real potential to be the way forward in AR. Enjoy!

Introducing Lucyd Lens, the world’s first blockchain-fueled smartglasses.

There’s a reason you don’t own smartglasses yet — the few available options have a narrow field of view and a clumsy user experience. But Lucyd is built on 13 exclusive augmented reality patents and a team of renowned optics experts to decentralize the AR revolution with Lucyd Lens, our discreet, comfortable and intuitive smartglasses. The Lens is supported by the Lucyd Lab blockchain, which makes it easy to develop and distribute new AR-native content. The Lab is powered by the LCD token, which organically drives content creation for the first AR platform with mass appeal. It’s clear that AR is going to evolve our vision. Our plan is to build the body of the AR revolution with Lucyd Lens, and let the global developer community tack on the muscle.

Lucyd Lens will be the first convenient, comfortable and unnoticeable smartglasses. We are designing an interactive AR display that uses your smartphone for processing power and data. The Lens will let you look up from your phone, and see all of your favorite apps in a large, smooth AR interface. With a 120° enhanced field of view that is over 3x larger than any available smartglasses, and a discreet body that looks like regular specs, Lucyd has the technology necessary to bring AR mainstream. We are launching the LCD token issuance to secure the funding for a prototype, and to build the Lucyd Lab app to drive native content creation. The first 500 pairs of Lucyd Lens are reserved for LCD holders only, giving token sale participants a chance to be among the first to own the glasses of the future (expected early 2019).

Lucyd is creating a new AR ecosystem, where anyone can develop, share and experience content on our user-friendly smartglasses.



The LCD token runs the LucydLab blockchain. Lucyd Lab drives organic app development and user engagement by rewarding positive contributions to the Lucyd ecosystem (app development, content, user reviews, etc.) with LCD. LCD can be used to purchase AR hardware and content from Lucyd when available. For example, Lucyd predicts 5,000 LCD will be able to be exchanged for one pair of basic Lucyd Lens smartglasses.Additionally, we are reserving the first 500 production pairs of Lucyd Lens for purchase via LCD only. Buying LCD gives you the opportunity to be among the first to wear the glasses of the future, and helps Lucyd bring you the best AR has to offer. For complete information about the LCD token sale andLucyd Lab blockchain, read the Whitepaper.



exclusively licensed AR patents developed by leading optics researchers


member high-quality management team with world-class science advisors


best-in-class AR-enhanced view, for fully supported visual field.


and growing projected market for HMD AR displays by 2023


the year smartglasses units shipped expected to exceed smartphones


Lucyd Lens will be built on a blueprint of 13 related patents developed by world-class optics experts at the University of Central Florida. These patents were exclusively licensed by Lucyd. We believe that the technology behind Lucyd is watershed as our AR patent portfolio enables critical features for next-gen AR glasses, which are missing from currently available products. Lucyd’s competitive advantage arises out of our unique, proprietary ergonomic features for smartglasses combined with an experienced management team and knowledgeable science advisors.

Exclusively Licensed LUCYD Patents

Read more about Lucyd & the LCD token



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For those interested in gift campaigns, I’ve also prepared the link below, so you can participate in this campaign …

Here’s A Link Where You Can Find Accurate Information:


