Crypto, should you care ?

6 min readDec 29, 2021


21% is the number of women who own crypto currencies when 67% male invest in cryptocurrency and 31% of women are investing in it.

As I began to see many shoutout of men on LinkedIn posting about some other men “to follow” on the crypto space ; I became curious to understand if the statement “it is hard or impossible to find women working in blockchain or crypto” was true.

I may have begin my journey a little bit biais as one of my main example inspiring me a lot Jayne (Pimentel) Peressini amazing leader at dapperlab (hiring) was in that space. But I wanted to confirm my assumption that women could be more represented as well in that space especially in events, podcast and articles.

This led me to an incredible journey of discoveries around blockchain, NFTs and other amazing knowledge milkshake to ingest. However what truly made me the most excited about and thankful for to begin this journey was something else. What really began to passionate me was the incredible women i met on Tiktok, Twitter space, Reddit, LinkedIn, Instagram pitching amazing project to extensive communities to make our world a better place in web3.

During few days, I began to follow generous leader of project as womenrise, mj ryle, world of women, rebel society, surge, fame lady squad, Nudie community, NFqueer, women in nfts and many others.

Those people taught me what blockchain is and how to create and also support amazing projects. Those leader empowered me and spread the magnificent message that It’s time to onboard more women in #blockchain; it is time to be more inclusive and judgmental free ; or the representation of the #blockchain won’t be a safe place for all and #dao decision will not represent all our beautiful diversified society- so I created my project that you can read here about women and art in NFTs.

This is actually a topic that resonated a lot with me. Democratization of blockchain and crypto. So I looked at some data to understand how bad or good the situation was.

Even if I did not found yet a clear persona of what we call “nft collectors” who are those ETH whales that can change the life of nft artist by clicking on a button ; I found few numbers.

According to CNBC Invest in you study Cryptocurrency is own :

  • 15% by white men
  • 15% Black men
  • 16% Hispanic men
  • 8% Hispanic women
  • 7% Black women
  • 6% White women

Those numbers absolutely stroke me. I began to think if men only are leading this market in share of voice and this is a participative economy ; what kind of decision are going to be made ? Are good project Women led going to be supported equally ? Are Women communities supporting other women going to be not significant enough to attract investors ? Are people supporting those amazing women led project people able to get the monetary ressources to make things happen? In a global world, history has shown Diversity of people and opinion is a need in order to get right decisions ; so what decision are going to be made?

So I became to be really interested about what interest those mainly white men collectors. Do you think #nftcollector invest in #nftart or #nftcommunity ? Does #nftcommunity member of project that value charities etc. and #nftcreator get enough financial ressources to achieve a project without big #nftcollector ? Are white men going to drive decision in a dao economy if they are the main actor of the market ? Are they going to decide the how the market behave ? All of this began to become a bit like a statement aristocrat made about democracy being the worse dictatorship.

To be honest, I do not have answer to those question and I do not know how it will evolve but instead of letting it go; I decided to create my Womenline project just to be there.


My project is not about being rich, especially as I usually own and lock my art for myself as I feel it is truly an intimate part of myself. I remember once have cried because someone has shown to someone else one of my drawing without my consent. This is really something that is to me personal and that i use for my mental health since I am a child. So the point is no, I do not want to be a star. I just want to be around the corner and increase those number I spoke about at the top about women.

Womenline is about being there and democratize nfts for all with a floor price at 0.0001 (could not make less) and share various representation of non binary people and women. My project is about sharing ressources as well the discord to make everyone understand what’s going on and empower them. Because we can and should not let it in the hands of few people who own for now the market. This market is also an opportunity for us to rise and shine and knowledge is a weapon everyone should have access to.

Overall, what resonated the most in me is not the investissement speech that I honestly almost did not see on the space I have followed. What resonated with me is how so many talents are building and sharing. So many humans are connecting across the world around common values and resonate with what creators all create in this #NFTCommunity and this was not only monetary value.

This was human love and good vibes and a true will to onboard and empower people in a space where we could all belong.

For one of the first time of my life in those space people listened each other, communicate and supported art, project no matter the time zone they have been.The value seemed to have switch from monetary perspective to a heart value. People connected and push the limits of monetary values by teaming up together.

So what’s next ?

For all of those curious to discover ; I would say do not have barriers. I did not invested a dollar in crypto for now but I have a wallet ; a collection and amazing artists who shared their art with me.

I am also really fortunate to have some supporters -they will recognize theirselves ❤-truly inspiring me who invested in me to support me ❤ Thank you so much, your support means the world especially because we are strangers ; I feel super fortunate and lucky as well and would love to give it back.

In any case ; I am really grateful toward people leading this revolution because web3 is changing the world as internet did.

If you want to learn more, one of your first step may be to connect to this discord , speak up and raise your voice and question or just read some ressources.

Thank you and please reach me if you need support or need some women speaker name to speak about blockchain, crypto, nfts etc. happy to share some amazing women name. We are here to stay.




Women representation and equality of right toward nfts art and knowledge !