The Battle Playbook

World of Ether
3 min readNov 21, 2018

Battling in World of Ether is how you reach levels where you can use stronger types of Etherians.

Battling is an integral part of the game, and Etherians with high battle points (BP) have an advantage.

Turn Based

Battles are 2-on-2 and turn based.

There are over 300 moves and male, female, and gold (strongest possible BP for a species) Etherians all have different movesets.

Of these moves there are 9 effects:

  • Damage.
  • Delayed damage.
  • Damage over time.
  • Decrease accuracy.
  • Increase accuracy.
  • Heal.
  • Heal over time.
  • Paralyze.
  • Invincibility.

Each move also has varying attributes:

  • Effect.
  • Accuracy.
  • Strength.
  • Crit bonus.
  • Delay.
  • Duration.


Each move takes energy to use and more powerful moves typically take more energy.

Etherians regain a small amount of energy each turn and can regain energy faster by resting or swapping into the background.

Type Advantages

The 5 types of Etherian each receive different battle advantages.

Sun: Regains more energy each turn.

Ocean: Mimics opponent’s type advantage.

Life: Regains small amount of life per turn.

Death: Damage dealt increases with life loss.

Astral: Damage moves reduce opponent’s energy.


Battling can be difficult and after any single fight, your Etherians have a small chance of contracting a disorder.

There are seven of these disorders, known as “Ailments,” and they all last for three hours.

They can inflict one or more of your Etherians:

Brittle Bones: Begin a battle already hurt.

Clumsy: Begin a battle with a slight decrease in accuracy.

Exhaustion: Begin a battle with all energy drained.

Fever: Suffer damage each turn.

Lazy Eye: Even less accuracy than being clumsy.

Rabies: Increase the power of normal damage moves, but begin a battle slightly hurt.

Weak Grip: All damage moves are weakened.


Gaining experience is what makes you level up.

You’re given experience when you battle and you’re able to redeem that experience on the blockchain. Battles are tiring, and after too many in one day, they begin to yield less experience.

Final Level

When you reach the final player level possible, level 50, you stop gaining experience.

At this point you still record battles on the blockchain, but now instead of getting experience from winning, you get a chance at finding one of the 5 rare crystals.

Crystals are ERC20 and all contain great power ups to use on your Etherians.

With these items you can increase your ability to breed the rarest and most powerful of Etherians. More on crystals here.


Matchmaking is how you find battles.

When you enter matchmaking, you’re matched up with an opponent based on your level.

If you make it to the highest level possible, the opponents you face will be very fierce.

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World of Ether

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