World of Ether Is Live!

World of Ether
2 min readNov 24, 2018

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We hope you enjoy World of Ether as much as we’ve enjoyed making it, and from the bottom of hearts we’re eternally grateful to all of you for being a part of this.

From the beginning of this project we believed the marriage of gaming and blockchain is the most significant step forward since online gaming. This project is our first testament to that.

Read on for key resources and rewards.

Discovery Rewards

ETH rewards are being given out to players discovering Etherians. Here are the current rewards:

Legendary Etherians are worth even more.

#033: $300

#034: $300

#037: $400

#039: $1,000

#040: $6,000

#041: $100

#065: $120

#073: $500

#075: $1,000

#079: $500

#120: $11,000

Rewards are paid in ETH (at Coinbase USD value @ time of payout) and last until 5/1/2019.

Learn How to Play

There’s a giant game guide here.

Aside from this if you have any questions, the World of Ether Discord is a great place to get them answered.


Can’t get enough World of Ether?

Check out the The WoE Store, The Standalone OST, and the Emotes for more.

WoE News

To get the latest World of Ether news, follow the Twitter.

To make sure you don’t miss any major announcements, the email newsletter is the place for you.


We hope you enjoy.

Explore now.



World of Ether

A decentralized universe on the Ethereum blockchain. Welcome to the World of Ether.