I Built the Largest Independent Generation 1 Transformers Facebook Fan Page Empire on the Internet

8 min readAug 15, 2023


When a Childhood Cartoon Passion Turns into a More Than Meets the Eye Empire!!!!!

Ever since 1984 when the G1 Transformers starting airing in the USA, I’ve been enamored with them and watched them religiously. For two years (84–86) my after school favorite show to watch was Transformers.

After the Transformers movie released in 86, the franchise went downhill because they killed off the main characters including the Autobot leader Optimus Prime in order to sell more toys and introduce new ones.

When Hasbro and Marvel/Sunbow realized that this was a mistake, they resurrected Optimus Prime (not the others); however, the damage had been done and the series just wasn’t the same.

So, Transformers stopped airing shortly after. The only way you saw them is if you had the VHS or in later years the DVDs. So, for many years, Transformers sort of died down even for diehard fans like me. We grew up and then we entered life. However, I still had a love for Transformers.

At one point when I couldn’t find the 86 movie on VHS or DVD, I offered to give $100 dollars to whomever could find it for me. LOL! I did eventually find it.

As Time Passed…

After 20 years or so the release of the Action Films came out in 2007 and released several other films. During this time, though most of us who were diehard G1 fans didn’t care for the story plots of the movies, it did rekindle our love for G1 Transformers.

I made sure that I went to see the premier of the first three movies. In 2007 when the DVD of the first movie came out, I won a 9ft cardboard model of Optimus Prime during a DVD release viewing at Game Stop. I was the only person who knew the original theme song, so I performed it and won. LOL!

The first three movies released every two years 2007, 2009 & 2011. I remember even throwing a before concession party for my son and his friends before they went to see the third film together. (Of course, we had already seen it on premier night, but my son’s friends hadn’t so we paid for them to all go and enjoy the concessions beforehand because we weren’t going to be buying popcorn and drinks. LOL! The tickets were costly enough.

Fast Forward…

In 2013, I was spending a lot of time on Facebook for business. I had been using that platform for business since 2010, but after I became a published author in 2012 my coaching, media tours and speaking were really taking off and I was doing more of my cross-industries work for different niches. So, I was launching several new Facebook pages.

Because I would be spending so much time on Facebook for business, I wanted to set up my digital lifestyle that revolved around that platform.

Since I love watching G1 Transformers and everything G1 related, I created a Fan Page that I could visit during my work breaks and/or after work so that I wouldn’t have to leave Facebook and could right from my downtime and back to work.

At one point as an adult, I had even built myself two transformers’ websites on two free platforms that was place where I could watch my favorite episodes and look at images. Then the site company shut down and my sites were gone so I figured that this would be a great time to create a new space for this endeavor.

So, once I launched the page, I invited a few of my Facebook connections who were G1 Transformers Fans to follow the page and become editors so that we could share content.

This was only just supposed to be for fun. I had no intentions of growing an audience or doing anything more with the page than just having it as my G1 Transformers woman-cave. LOL!

Shortly after, I created the page, it started growing in numbers and next thing you know, I had a fan base to tend to, so I had to actually start posting regularly. This was no longer just a place where I could revisit the content that I or some of the others had previously published.

This was now becoming a job, but one that I absolutely loved. As my fan base grew, I started making strong connections with my audience and then I built a team of contributors just from my fans and made some of them editors.

I started conducting training forums for them and chat box cafe lounges for my team and a few VIP fans to participate to see what goes on behind the scenes with the team. We had everything from role play groups, script writing and comic book development and I even created a Facebook group for both professional artist and emerging artist to create and share their works. I later launched a dating group (which no longer exist) and a VIP Fans Network group that’s still going strong.

I started teaching others how to start or build up their current TF Fan Pages. At one point I was asked to come on board as the second in command of another page which I later became the chief admin, took over the page and then rebranded it into a completely different empire. It ended up becoming the biggest Transformers Memes Comedy Capital where the content is created by fans for fans.

I even have a Chief Memes Officer who ended launching his own fan page empire with several pages and we created a special page in our empire just for him. (Today, we’ve been responsible for over 50,000 Transformers memes made online just by inspiring others to be creative).

I also ended taking over another page that I helped one of my former editors set up but then he left Facebook and had to take care of personal things and he never returned.

The Story Continues…

I ended up started additional pages, created apparel and accessories for the brand and trained an operations manager and Chief Visionary Officer that did inking for IDW Transformers (who passed away in 2018) to co-run the main page while I built up the rest of the empire. We also enrolled a special digital photographer artist who added a special element to the page and he’s still going strong with us.

I was also being the promotional ambassador and trainer for several pages. Pages that had been in the game long before I had with Transformers Fan Pages, started looking at me as the new standard and model. Of course, this came with some haterism and push back, but that’s a story for another day.

I ended creating an actual industry for Transformers Fan Pages once I saw that it was becoming a competitive market. I had leveled up the playing field causing a win-win for everyone who was already in the industry as well as those who were emerging.

Once the empire was evolving and this wasn’t just a passion hobby that our contributors could do anymore, I had to let go of most of them or shift them to other pages so that our main page could really take off. They weren’t keeping up with the evolution and most had stopped posting content. All was well because it was simply time to shift. It was great having them as jump-start contributors who were serving out of passion, but because this was becoming so much more, I had to do what was necessary for this to become an empire.

Once, I did that and only kept my operations manager and our digital artistry specialist, I brought in my higher-level business strategy skills.

I ended up achieving what would seem to be miraculous results and ended up catapulting in numbers over every Transformers page outside of the traditional franchise. Once I leveled up the playing field it made others step up their games or go home.

We also launched the biggest Give-a-way initiative that we would conduct several times a year. We worked/collaborated with several artists and supported their works, started our own apparel shop with Cafe Press and the list goes on. We later got approved for an apparel and accessory affiliate partnership with TeePublic. Click here to visit.

There’s a whole lot more to this story and you will be able to read more about it in my forthcoming book. However, in short, I ended up building the largest G1 Transformers Fan-Page Empire on the internet with more than 20 pages, blogs, and VIP groups and combined them into a syndicated broadcasting network.

My pages run just like a Television network that features artists Transformers artwork, throwback episodes, special fan engagement segments, memes and so much more.

I share more about how to turn any type of fan page or business page into syndicated empire in my mini-info training, A Basic Introduction to Transforming Your Facebook Fan-Pages into a More Than Meets the Eye Syndicated Network Empire.

There’s so much more in store with My Transformers Generation 1 Fans 4 Life & Beyond Empire. You can visit/follow our main Facebook Fan page at Transformers Generation 1 Fans 4 Life.

Soon, I will be inviting transformers fans who are business owners to join me in my TFG1 Motto inspired, More Than Meets the Eye Matrix of Leadership Mastermind for Transformational Business.

Facebook is one of my media domination platforms and I have several products and resources for those who are ready to Transformer their business agenda into More Than Meets the Eye using fan pages and more.

Explore & Enjoy…


It’s Time to Have Faith & Face Your Financial Greatness with Facebook as an Online Entrepreneur

FaceTube? Facebook’s Evolution for Social Media Takeover by Becoming Its Own Version of a YouTube Empire & It Won’t Stop There


A Basic Introduction to Transforming Your Facebook Fan-Pages into a More Than Meets the Eye Syndicated Network Empire Mini Info Training

Fortunes with Facebook A Basic Introduction to Creating Financial Freedom with Facebook-preneurship Mini Info Seminar

Load & Launch Your Course with Ease Using Facebook Groups & Gumroad

A Basic Introduction to Info-Product-Event-preneurship Using Gumroad & Facebook Mini Info Training

A Basic Introduction to Creating a Paid 7-Day Challenge & Facebook Group Micro Training

I hope this article inspired you to transform your fan page or business pages into a more than meets the eye experience. I’m wishing you all the best.

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email wowshedoesitallmedia@gmail.com

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at https://linktr.ee/majestyalinicolewow.




THE MULTIHYPHENATE MAGNATE EMPIRE AUTHORITY, CEO of MAJESTY ALL-MIGHTY WOW! SHE DOES IT ALL, 500+ Digital Products at https://majestyalinicolewow.gumroad.com