My Encouragement to Emerging Multifaceted Leader-preneurs: Have the Courage to Go Against the Norm No Matter How Successful Others Are with the Traditional One Niche Way

6 min readOct 28, 2022


Photo by Oliver Cole on Unsplash

“Don’t be afraid to challenge the pros, even in their own backyard. Learn from the pros, observe them, seek them out as mentors and partners. But remember that even the pros may have leveled out in terms of their learning and skills. Sometimes even the pros can become complacent and lazy.” ~Colin Powell

Never be afraid to change the rules for yourself and go against the norm to discover what will work best for you. Most of you who are highly creative and desire to express a wide range of your talents are here to bring forth pioneer works in a multifaceted way.

In a traditional life purpose framework for careers, leadership, business and more, most feel confined by the single focus mission models and are told not to express themselves in a multiplicity of ways.

But the time is coming, and it draws near, when that traditional norm will no longer have jurisdiction in the realms of your higher calling to be true to your multifaceted leadership and entrepreneurial expression. So be strong and courageous as you get ready to crossover into your Multipurpose Promised Land.

My Encouragement to Emerging Multifaceted Leader-preneurs: Have the Courage to Go Against the Norm No Matter How Successful Others Are with the Traditional One Niche Way

Dare to Be Fully You, Dare to Be Different & Dare to Create Your Own Lane

No matter how loud the voices

No matter how tall of a giant

No matter how real the illusion

No matter how many have been successful

No matter how long it has been in place...

The institution of one-niche and one-mission focuses will soon be a thing of the past. What started out as a genuine concept to help others become masterful and less distracted in maximizing their skill and talent in a specific area, later became the oppressor and tasks-master of the marketplace to most entrepreneurs.

With so many influencers desiring to showcase a wide range of their talents and often don’t want to feel limited or confined to a specific niche focus, disruption and divine demolition must occur.

We are in the era of entrepreneurial expression and brand-preneurial artistry expansion; therefore, more leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs in the online space want the freedom and flexibility to provide a new holistic approach to their core audiences without having to be so centrally focused on a core theme for their mission.

I show up as the Multi-Mission-Majesty-preneur and I’ve come to set the creative expression captives free so that multifaceted leaders can express their mission in a multifaceted way to reach the masses in a variety of formats using non-traditional, nonlinear, and uninstitutionalized approaches to success.

I’ve been showing up like this in my entrepreneurial experience for over a decade with my WOW! She Does It All branding. I’ve enjoyed teaching others over the years how to be multifaceted leader-preneurs in the formats of cross-industries entrepreneurs, industry crossover celebrity-preneurs, multiplicity-preneurs, cross-functional-preneurs, and life-niche-career expression-preneurs.

Explore a few of my related platforms like Lucrative Life Niche Career Expression Empire and one of my one-stop-shop training hubs for Multiplicity Entrepreneurship.

If you would like to learn more about my work and background in this area, enjoy these two short podcast features…

Click the Titles Below to Listen…

Niche Down? You May Want to Reconsider

AliNICOLE WOW! She Does It All: The Ultimate Industry Disruptor

One of my primary goals is to shift leaders into Multi-Interest or Multi-Mission Marketplace Style Formats vs Traditional Niche-Focused Missions that are parts of my more expanded work called The Multi-Functional Media Monetization Majesty Method.

So, you will start to see more One-Stop-Shops for multi-interest models emerging as the overtaking new now normal in the business era. You want to make sure that you are counted in that number and out ahead of upcoming marketplace disruptions. There will always be a need on some level for traditional niched-focused businesses, indeed they will still have some relevance; however, you will find that those will be more suited for already well-established brands/businesses or major corporations.

The major shifts for more multifunctional operations in the solo-brand and small business owner arenas will occur so that the institution of one-niche-focused frameworks will no longer be the dominant force for online entrepreneurship.

This will be true liberation for many because having a multi-interest-focused mission allows the Multifaceted-leader-preneurs to expand their impact and income agenda and scale their business for the higher-end advantage as they become their own marketplace.

Soon the illusion of a GIANT in the format of a one-niched focused potential framework (the oppressor) will meet up with its DAVID VS GOLIATH moment and discover that a greater divine master plan will be the ultimate overtaking freedom-preneurial advantage for all multifaceted leaders, multi-niche content creators and more.

Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

In my article Creating Courses & More on Gumroad Allows Multi Niche-preneurial Focused Content Creators to Achieve Their Impact & Income Goals with Ease, Support & Success, I encourage multi niche content creators to start creating a one-stop-shop experience on a separate platform for the average person in addition to their core audiences by providing five core essentials for a holistic marketplace encounter.

These core essentials in categories are…

  • Health/Wellness/Beauty
  • Lifestyle/Recreation/Management
  • Spirituality/Wholeness/Religion
  • Education/Career/Business
  • Finance/Wealth/Money Goals

These are primary niches that most will be interested in because they pertain to practically everyone’s life. Of course, still provide your signature focuses as well. Creating in this format will set up the win-win for yourself and all who enter into your marketplace initiatives.

I expound more on these formats in my conversational training intensives listed below…

Get YouTube Done NOW! The “Write” Way: A Jump-start YouTube-preneurial Business Builder for Multi-Niche Content Creators

Get YouTube Done NOW!: Jump-start Your YouTube-preneurial Communications Empire the “Write” Way as a Multifaceted Leader-preneur

It’s time to see yourself as a rare multifaceted diamond in order to uniquely demonstrate your true value and express your truth in the marketplace as a leader and entrepreneur.

I’m excited to be launching my new course and multi-level mastermind soon called The Multifaceted Leader-preneur’s Ultimate Trinity of Revenue Success with YouTube, Medium, Gumroad & More.

Meanwhile, I encourage you to level up and prepare in the most accurate and aligned way possible so that you are ready for the subtle yet significant shifts that will be occurring to support your highest levels of potential.

Be inspired by this related article… Are You an Online One-Stop-Shop for Your Ideal Audience? If Not, Learn Why It’s Important to Provide that Experience

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse on

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or more related products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, send a detailed email to

