Your Books Are Already Written, Now Publish Them: Master the Art of Repurposing Your Blog Posts, Articles, Social Media Posts & More as Content for Your Publications

3 min readAug 18, 2023


Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

I’ve published over 300 works on Amazon and have helped several to become published and start writing empires.

When I first started chronically publishing, I was repurposing content from some of old blog posts, articles, journal entries, social media content and other forms of writing.

I even published a work called, The Basics of Transforming Blogs Into Books & Beyond: 3 Simple Steps To Transforming Blog Content Into Books & More (Action Planner)

Over the years, I’ve shown several of my clients and students how to take existing content and create publications of all kinds. I recall one of former clients taking my advice to take several of his inspirational Facebook posts, quotes and related blog posts to combine them into his first publication. He titled the book Something I Said, then he created a second publication on how to get started as a published author.

When I first mentioned it to him, he didn’t think he would have time to gather his content; however, once I showed him how easy it was and started helping gather old posts, he got inspired and found other content to complete his first published work.

I tell people all the time that their book(s) is/are already written, it’s just a matter of gathering and compiling the content to format it into a document and submit it for being published to go on Amazon.

This format became one that I regularly taught others how to Write a Book in an Hour or Less & Become Publish within 24 to 72 Hours using Kindle Direct Publishing.

Once people see how easy it is to repurpose content to create publications, most become addicted to the process and go on to publishes several works. Then I help them to build multilevel writing empires with publications of all kinds that can serve different niche markets.

As I mentioned, I’ve published over 300 works on Amazon and in my early days it was mostly from repurposed content. I even took my first published book and broke it down into several mini book series.

Read more here about how I Became My Own Barnes & Noble Online Bookstore Style Coffee Shop. I’ve Published Over 300 Works on Amazon, Merged My Former Bookstore Sales Management Experience with Selling Coffee & I Show Others How to Do the Same on a Smaller Scale.

So, if you’re ready to become published with ease or even if you’ve published before but would like to write more books and make a bigger impact and income, consider the following…

  • Create a free account with Kindle Direct Publishing
  • Create a 30 to 70 page mini-book (can be journals, tips, how-tos, short stories, action planners, handbooks, workbooks)
  • Take one blog post/article or a series of blog posts/articles and use it/them as your base content and then create journal/action pages to complete the interior
  • Block out a weekend to work on this
  • Once you format your document, upload it into KDP and have your work published in 24 to 72hrs

It’s just that simple and easy. Again, your book(s) is/are already written. Now it’s time publish them and share your works with the world.

If you would like to take your writing and publishing to the next career level, I have resources that can help you.

Products to Consider…

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Kindle Direct Publishing-preneur Mini Info Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Multilevel Writing & Publishing Coach Micro Training

I hope that this article inspired you to repurpose your existing content to produce publications. I would love to hear how this impacted you for your next level. I’m here if you need support and I’m wishing you all the best as you start your writing and publishing journey.

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at

