WriteSome App’s Second Poetry Collection Released

With the goal of taking WriteSome App’s users’ work to the world, today we’re releasing our second poetry collection “Dearly Beloved — Poems on Love”

WriteSome App
2 min readJun 30, 2022
Cover of WriteSome App’s second poetry collection book — Dearly Beloved
This is the second edition of our Poetry Collection Series.

In today’s time, most amateur writers are finding it extremely difficult to get their work noticed by the right audience due to the plethora of online writing platforms and thousands of posts being posted every minute. And as a writing platform, we not only understand this problem but also realise that it is our responsibility to notice, identify and promote exceptional writers and poets on our app and take their work to the world.

And this is exactly why we came up with the idea of releasing series of our poetry collections.

‘Dearly Beloved — Poetry on Love’ is our second book in the WriteSome’s poetry collection series. And the theme for this second is ‘Dearly beloved’, the words you always wanted to say to a person close to you.

WriteSome App’s second book in their poetry collection is here. Buy it now.
The book is available in E-book, Paperback and Hardcover.

Written by users of the WriteSome App, this poetry collection has 20 poems divided into 4 parts — Talk, Wait, Leave and Go. Each part with poems about that phase/ element of human connection.

  • Part 1- Talk: Deep feelings, heartfelt, exhilarating, romantic love.
  • Part 2: Wait — Overpowering and emotional poems on Love.
  • Part 3 — Leave: Overwhelming cravings for deep love, beautiful flow of emotions.
  • Part 4 — Go: inspiring, moving and touching poems.

The poems are beautiful, touching and a fresh breath of air. They will not only touch your heart, but will also make you think about human connections and love on a deeper level.

Like reading books on the go. Get the E-book today.

You can buy the book in ebook, paperback and hardcover formats on Amazon via this link.

If you’re an amateur writer looking to share your poetry and stories, download our app on iOS and Android today.

If you have any feedback/ suggestions please write to us at hello@writeso.me



WriteSome App

WriteSome is an app to discover & share original poetry and stories.