#365DaysOfWriting – Day Thirty-Two
It is a small, connected world.
I realised that when I went for a pitch today. Remember the pitch from Day Thirty-One?
On the client’s side, I came face-to-face with an old school friend I hadn’t met in almost 10-15 years.
Yes, we had connected on Facebook and knew what each other were up to, but a face-to-face meeting took 10-15 years. We even live in the same area, mind you.
I also met someone who I knew from my previous organisation.
Now him I saw at work more often, but I was meeting him for the first time after quitting my previous job. Almost 4 months down the line (he’d quit before me).
That’s when it truly struck me – you really can’t not randomly bump into people you know these days. Our professional circles are more or less similar, and be it on the agency side or client side, you are bound to run into someone or the other you know at any given point of time. If any genius mathematicians are reading this, I request you to do a probability analysis of the same – the chances of randomly bumping into a known person at any given point in a day.
Another more important lesson to take away from this would be to not burn bridges with anyone you’ve worked with (unless the situation is REALLY that irredeemable). Try and at least maintain a cordial professional relationship. You never know who could be your next boss or client…