List of Tigon Archetypes

Which traits affect Tigon WWZ rolling profiles?

7 min readSep 24, 2023

This article describes application features and behavior as of v0.7.1

The following groups of Tigons will be affected by archetype Training Biases. Descriptions of archetypes may provide clues to their relative effects, but can (often) include biases for the purposes of game balance as well.

Thank you to the Tigon community for helping provide criteria and definitions for these archetypes.

Alien [OOTT-A1]

Alien can attack without you even knowing it, so it’s attacking with mind type communication, it can attack at any distance and any number of opponents

Membership requirements:

  • head: Alien

Robot [OOTT-A2]

Robot is very precise in its targeting of opponents, liable to overheating, very strong due to its metal components, able to communicate with headquarters via its antenna

Membership requirements:

  • head: Robot

Werewolf [OOTT-A3]

Werewolves are shape shifters, able to form as they may. WW’s are powerful and have an unrivaled sense of smell of the opponent and uses this to their advantage.

Membership requirements:

  • head: Werewolf

Gorgon [OOTT-A4]

Gorgon wraps up individuals quickly, it has sharp strikes but not far reaching. You don’t want to get near the Gorgon he’s nasty.

Membership requirements:

  • body: Gorgon

Centaur [OOTT-A5]

Centaur steady, stubborn, and strong kicks. Centaurs are able to get into and out of battle quickly

Membership requirements:

  • body: Centaur

Scrawny [OOTT-A6]

Scrawny Tigons, are very scrappy. They are very agile and very allusive. Living on their own has taught them how to conserve energy and not waste it. Beware if a few scrawnies get together they work well together on attacks.

Membership requirements:

  • body: Scrawny

Angry Brows [OOTT-A7]

Don’t start something you can’t finish. These angry Tigons will strike back hard and fast cutting anything in its path. Always ready to slice and dice someone up. They Wake up looking to for a TUFL, and have been known to TUFL in their Sleep!

Membership requirements:

  • mad tigon: Angry Brows

Ninja Mask [OOTT-A8]

Ninja’s are the ultimate in Tigon Security. Ninjas are skilled in every aspect of battle. Ninjas have the amazing ability of deception. Time and realm make no difference, the Ninja has been there before.

Membership requirements:

  • hidden: Ninja Mask

Karate Gi [OOTT-A9]

Karate Gi is well trained and has seen your moves 1000 times before. He is very hard to get a clean attack on and typically always has a well timed counterattack ready.

Membership requirements:

  • shirt: Karate Gi

Crown [OOTT-A10]

You don’t get to be King for Nothin’ If you wear the Crown, it is for a reason. You are a seasoned Tigon, very savvy, been in TUFL’s for many years. Been Champ before will be Champ again with the right training. Time has not been good to the King though, it is hard to stay on top….

Membership requirements:

  • headwear: Crown

Helmet [OOTT-A11]

The Helmet is only for Tigons with the Highest Security Clearance. This helmet provides Instant communications necessary to take control of most every situation. The helmet is a highly prized defense mechanism.

Membership requirements:

  • headwear: Helmet

Theta Wizards [OOTT-A12]

Wise Tigons wear the Theta Hat. The Theta Wizard is the ultimate Wizard. Their spells are cast far and wide and have the ability to mix with the environment and move undetected.

Membership requirements:

  • headwear: Theta Hat

Wizards [OOTT-A13]

Tigon in Wizard hats are magical, able to cast spells on many opponents and quickly.

Membership requirements:

  • headwear: Wizard Hat

Dino Buddy [OOTT-A14]

Dino Buddy is a battlefield secret weapon. One bite from this nasty creature could lead to slow death. It is unknown what can be contracted from a Dino Buddy bite, seek immediate medical attention if bitten.

Membership requirements:

  • dino: Dino Buddy

Patriotic Pants [OOTT-A15]

These pants have a long history of Round House style kicks, and a unrivaled leg kick defense. The tigons wearing these pants draw upon the many great Dojo Leaders of the past no matter the type of Kwan Do.

Membership requirements:

  • pants: Patriotic Pants

Caped [OOTT-A16]

Not all heroes wear crowns, Caped Tigons are quick responders and tough to take down

Membership requirements (any one of):

  • cape: Theta Cape
  • cape: Cape

Tusked [OOTT-A17]

Tusks are an old but faithful attack. Used to create space often followed by a tail attack.

Membership requirements:

  • dental feature: Tusks

One-Eyed Willy [OOTT-A18]

Having been in many a TUFL and Losing One Eye, These Tigons all know better now, hind sight is still 20/20. They adapt and adjust like no other. Expert booby trappers and improvisors, they can make a weapon out of anything.

Membership requirements:

  • eyewear: One-Eyed Willy

Masked [OOTT-A19]

Mask not only provides concealment of Identity, but is a tell tail sign of a Zorro Lineage, Duck, dodge, perry, Engard…This trait can strike fear in an opponent

Membership requirements:

  • eyewear: Mask

Wings [OOTT-A20]

Wings can get Tigons in and out of sticky situations. They bring a different threat from above. Getting them started in flight is taxing, but well worth it.

Membership requirements:

  • wings: Wings

Spiked Knuckles (feet) [OOTT-A21]

Bring these into battle and your kicks may become lethal. A sure and steady grip leads to victory.

Membership requirements:

  • feet: Spiked Knuckles

Tatami Slippers (feet) [OOTT-A22]

Giving your Tigon freedom to move and get air. Your Tigon is in a perfect state of flow when wearing these. You are water, formless. Walk amongst the Samurai in these Slippers

Membership requirements:

  • feet: Tatami Slippers

Taloned [OOTT-A23]

Large Talons are a Special Tigon trait. Once they grab their victim there is almost no escape. Large Talon Punctures perfectly placed are a leading cause of death.

Membership requirements:

  • feet: Talons

Sneakers [OOTT-A24]

Sneakers provide the perfect grip for dance move attacks. No matter the terrain you Tigon is safe to bust a move on an opponent with sneakers on.

Membership requirements:

  • feet: Sneakers

Theta Roller Skates [OOTT-A25]

Slide in and out in 80’s style fashion, while you rock to your own beats. This attribute can take your Tigon low, low, low, Limbo style or Speed in with a quick attack and dart out.

Membership requirements:

  • feet: Theta Roller Skates

Rocket Boots [OOTT-A26]

Jettison anywhere on the battlefield with ease. Rocket Boots provide an additional energy source.

Membership requirements:

  • feet: Rocket Boots

Spiked Knuckles Extras (feet extras) [OOTT-A27]

Bring these into battle and your kicks may become lethal. A sure and steady grip leads to victory.

Membership requirements:

  • feet extras: Spiked Knuckles

Tatami Slippers Extras (feet extras) [OOTT-A28]

Giving your Tigon freedom to move and get air. Your Tigon is in a perfect state of flow when wearing these. You are water, formless. Walk amongst the Samurai in these Slippers

Membership requirements:

  • feet extras: Tatami Slippers

Bladed [OOTT-A29]

A must have for any serious Tigon TUFLer. Take on the toughest attacks and deliver deep cuts.

Membership requirements:

  • protection: Shoulder Blades

Guarded [OOTT-A30]

Every Tigon wants a Blade Knee Guard. Is it more blade or Knee Guard? We don’t know either. We just know The crowds favorite move for this is Knee on belly…

Membership requirements:

  • knees: Blade Knee Guard

Lightning Eyes [OOTT-A31]

Lightning eyes is a form of communication, but During a TUFL, can be used as a Weapon for those who poses the power. A Tigon Direct Energy Weapon. It has been known to have a small effect on those who look directly at the attack.

Membership requirements:

  • power surge: Lightning Eyes

Tailed [OOTT-A32]

Tail attacks are the Staple attack of Every Tigon.

Currently, tail biases are used as a balancing mechanism against body types that do not have tails. They do not each have different effects, but rather all share the same set that are meant to compensate for slight extra biases special body types get.

Membership requirements (any one of):

  • tail: Ninja Star
  • tail: Snorkel Tail
  • tail: Battle Axe
  • tail: Slender Tail
  • tail: Nunchucks
  • tail: Spiked Tail
  • tail: Mace Tail
  • tail: Spear Tail
  • tail: Whip Tail
  • tail: Hero Tail

Gas [OOTT-A33]

This unique trait can clear any room. This is both offensive and defensive. Don’t knock this guy too hard he may accidently lose control.

Membership requirements:

  • gas: Flatulence

Rocket Pack [OOTT-A34]

Providing as a massive energy source to move with ease, but does need to cool as it can not be over used.

Membership requirements:

  • rocket: Rocket Pack

Special Tongued [OOTT-A35]

Hyper Tongues can give a heck of a Lashing, and taunts like no other. No matter if it is verbal or physical damage. The Hyper Tongue leaves his opponents pride and confidence low.

On the other hand, we all know how dangerous a lizard tongue can be. Mess around and find out.

Membership requirements (any one of):

  • tongue: Hyper Tongue
  • tongue: Lizard Tongue

Psychotic [OOTT-A36]

They’re extra crazy on the battlefield, never afraid to get into a fight or take it to the next level. You don’t mess with the Psycho eyes

Membership requirements:

  • eyes: value

Horned [OOTT-A37]

Horns specifically designed for a head on collision. a fierce weapon on the battlefield but over time may take toll on Tigon delivering horn attack… there is a lack of scientific data as to the long term Brain injury suffered during attacks.

Membership requirements:

  • horns: value

[OOTT-A38] Custom

Custom Tigons each have their own personality and opinions on the best approach to combat. These Tigons get access to the Custom combatant training flow.

Membership requirements (any one of):

  • 1
  • Albino Tigon
  • Bronze Tigon
  • Dog The Bounty Hunter Tigon
  • Gelatin Mold Tigon
  • Gold Tigon
  • First Alien Tigon
  • First Blood Tigon
  • First Centaur Tigon
  • First Ninja Tigon
  • First Rambo Tigon
  • First Robot Tigon
  • First Werewolf Tigon
  • Hero B&W Tigon
  • Lady Tigon
  • Magic Board Tigon
  • Original Color Tigon
  • Second Blood Tigon
  • Silver Tigon
  • Snoopigon
  • Tugon
  • VIP Tigon

Note Bronze Tigon is not yet enabled. When minted, it will be activated!

A WWZ medal ceremony featuring Tigons of various archetypes

About WWZ

WWZ is a multiplayer, multi-collection, multi-chain Discord game for PFP NFTs.

About the Order of the Tigons

The Order of the Tigons is a collection of 4,577 unique digital art collectibles inspired by the talented creator and actor, Jon Heder.




WWZ is a fun, multiplayer Discord game for PFP NFTs