Training ‘Custom’ NFTs

How to get started with the most versatile Combatants in WWZ

2 min readSep 24, 2023

When a player requests a new WWZ training session for an NFT marked as ‘Custom’ , they will be presented with a Select menu instead of the typical Train button.

Instead of the typical ‘Train’ button, a Custom combatant will show a menu for selecting a Training Emphasis.

A player can use the select menu to choose what type of Training Biases their combatant will have this round. The Training Emphasis selected will affect several combat stats. It will raise some and lower others.

Once a player selects a Training Emphasis, the training process will begin

Selecting ‘Retrain’ when training a Custom combatant will train again with the same Training Emphasis. To select a different Training Emphasis, run /wwz train again for the combatant in question.

The Defense Training Emphasis yielded very high Armor on this sample roll. The Retrain button will preserve the Training Emphasis previously selected

Currently, this feature applies to PixZillas with the custom attribute and Tigons identified by the community as ‘custom’ (any ‘Named’ Tigons, ‘First’ Tigons, etc.). A complete list of affected Tigons is available in our List of Tigon Archetypes.

About WWZ

WWZ is a multiplayer, multi-collection, multi-chain Discord game for PFP NFTs.

About PixZillas

PixZillas are a generative NFT collection available on the Theta Network.

About the Order of the Tigons

The Order of the Tigons is a collection of 4,577 unique digital art collectibles inspired by the talented creator and actor, Jon Heder.




WWZ is a fun, multiplayer Discord game for PFP NFTs