Fedi — Flutter open-source social network client. Part 2. Code.

Yevhenii Zapletin
5 min readJul 21, 2021


Code-quality related things in Fedi: feature-based folder structure, naming, null-safety, lints, extensions, asserts, mixins, etc.

Fedi is an open-source client for Pleroma and Mastodon social networks written using Flutter available on iOS(Beta) and Android(Beta)


In this part:

· Feature-based folder structure
· Naming
· One file = one class
· Null-safety
· Linters
· Named parameters
· Dart format & trailing comma
· Use all Dart features
Spread operator & if in collections
if null ??
Cascade notation
· Extensions
Extension for interfaces
Extension for data classes
Extension for enums
Extension for Dart/Flutter/3rd party libraries classes
· Mixins
· Asserts

Feature-based folder structure

Fedi uses a features-based folder structure

At first, files are separated by features(like account or notification). And only inside the feature folder, they may be separated by layer (like model, bloc, or service).


  • Clean dependencies. You should clearly understand which feature depends on another and avoid two-ways and cycle dependencies. Low coupling helps maintain code quality and re-use code.
  • In the future, you can transform project into Building a multi-package project with flutter. However, I don’t think it is required right now. Android Multi-module projects have better build time, but Flutter build time is OK as-is for me. The multi-module structure also helps make dependencies between features(error for cycle dependencies)


  • Sometimes it is hard to define features in app and make dependencies


  • Prefer Effective Dart name and style code conventions.
  • Prefer long file & classes names like account_follower_account_cached_list_bloc_impl.dart and AccountFollowerAccountCachedListBloc. It is class in account/follower/account_list/cached folder.
  • Prefer object names similar to classes. Like object accountFollowerAccountCachedListBloc for class AccountFollowerAccountCachedListBloc. Sometimes it is shortened, for example accountListBloc instead of accountFollowerAccountCachedListBloc if other similar objects don’t exist in content.


  • It is easy to understand what classes do, which feature they belong to
  • It is easy to navigate in IDE by typing the start letters of the name(Find a class and Find file Android Studio features).


  • Very long file names may look too big and hard to write/remember but Android Studio helps with this

One file = one class

In Dart, you can place as many classes in one file as you want.

However, in Fedi each file have only one class. Except for private classes which are used only in the current file(primarily used for widgets).


  • Easy to navigate


  • Nothing


Today (July 2021) almost all popular libraries from pub.dev support null-safety. So I think you should use this feature in any case.


  • it helps make your app more stable and bug-free;
  • better code quality, you always know which var can be nullable or not.


  • you should spend time on it.


Flutter has several built-in static code analyzing tool and built-in lint rules.

However, Fedi uses additional lint rules to make code better:

  • Official(maintained by Google) lints and flutter_lints. They have recommended and optional rules. It is a replacement for the deprecated pedantic and effective_dart packages
  • dart_code_metrics. Additional rules, which do not exist in Google lints. Helps analyze the complexity of each line, function, class etc.

It will be good to enable almost all available options. Some rules conflict (absolute or relative imports), some look irrelevant. But ~90% rules are useful as for me and recommended set is must-have.

Fedi doesn’t use all rules, because we’ve integrated lints only several months ago, and enabling all rules showing 10000+ warnings. It will take some time to clean up the project and enable all features. You can find enabled rules in analysis_options.yaml

Most useful rules for me:

You can find all rules with examples and descriptions on the next pages:


  • It helps make your app more stable and bug-free;
  • Better code quality;
  • Helps maintain code style when several people work on the project.


  • you should spend A LOT of time on it.

Named parameters

Fedi prefers to use named parameters in any case when the parameters count is 2 or more.

You can put required if the parameter is not optional.


  • better code quality and readability.


  • you should write names of the parameters each time. IDE helps with that.

Dart format & trailing comma

Dart format works well, however, without trailing comma, you will have a lot of braces on one level and it is hard to read such code.

Windows: Ctrl + Alt + L

Linux: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + L

macOS: Option + Command + L

Use all Dart features

Check Dart language tour for the cool language features

Spread operator & if in collections

if null ??

Cascade notation


Fedi uses extensions in a lot of places.

One big problem with extensions is that Android Studio doesn’t recognize them well and sometimes you need to import file with extension to achieve autocomplete.

Extension for interfaces

It is an extension to the interface to move duplicated logic from implementation classes to one extension.

It may be replaced with mixins.

Extension for data classes

  • Convert data types example

Extension for enums

  • Add logic to enums

Extension for Dart/Flutter/3rd party libraries classes

  • Improve code readability

Example from easy_dispose library written for Fedi


Mixins is a cool feature to extend several classes in one class to add more features

In Fedi mixins is used to share common DAOs logic to generated DAO classes.


Asserts are usually used in constructors and functions to check input parameters.

Final Words

Feel free to comment and fill issue if you don’t agree with something or have suggestions.

Next partPart 3. Build & Config.

Start using Pleroma and Mastodon with Fedi if you still not in Fediverse: iOS(Beta) and Android(Beta). Any feedback is welcome.

If you are interested in Fedi and want to help to develop it you can start from Readme.

