Crypto War II: Birth of Decentralized System

3 min readSep 14, 2021
Photo by Gritt Zheng on Unsplash

Crypto War I did end without any conclusion about how encryption technology a citizen can use to protect their privacy right or it may jeopardize national security.

Until the second war is breaking out by the government to introduce “Clipper Chip”.

What is a “Clipper Chip”?

It is a state-of-the-art built-in backdoor device that was introducing in 1993 to allows governments particularly law enforcement officials to able to decode intercepted voice and data transmissions.

It allows the government to store each citizen’s data in the pool. It triggered widespread opposition.

Technical vulnerabilities

Matt Blaze published the paper pointed out the technical vulnerabilities of Clipper Chip by producing Brute-force attacks to produce another value and disable the device.

End of Clipper Chip

The device died in 1996 without any possible implementation.

The less known war happened in 1991

Phil Zimmermann created software called Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) program. The program was so great that it got much attraction overseas and he got the prosecution from the government.

