Yannick Zehnder
Zehnder Advisory
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2017

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and does not provide financial or investment advice. The reader is aware that there are special risks involved in dealing with blockchain and cryptocurrency assets.

Since the publication of my original article on SPECTRE there have been a few very interesting developments within the project.

I want to quickly summarize these and make them available to you.

Instead of the currently scheduled monthly dividends, we will be moving to a weekly dividend schedule instead. That means faster payments to our token holders and a predictable day when you can expect your SPECTRE.ai dividends!

Additional Dapp options – We have received tremendous interest from enterprise clients who want to tie into our decentralized liquidity pool for their own applications. Remember that all of the additional companies that tie into our structure produce more dividends for our token holders! We are anticipating our first Dapp client being officially announced Q2 of 2018! – Quote from the investor Email sent on November 4

My opinion and comment

The faster paced distribution of the dividends is actually a big thing. The quicker investors get payed, the quicker they are able to reinvest – either within the platform or in buying more tokens (SPEC-U for example).

Bankera (explanation of the product can be read here) also distributes on a weekly basis. This is generally a good thing. Investors and especially traders don’t want their money to be locked up for longer than absolutely necessary.

The news on the demand for Dapps (decentralized applications – here is a blog post explaining it by Vitalik Buterin) to be built and be part of the liquidity pool of SPECTRE is huge. After reading about the option to have Dapps built with SPECTRE I thought this might be for the far future. Now that they already have demand for it, this makes investing in SPECTRE even more interesting.

Dapps will have their own marketing initiatives and attract a new set of customers. By that increasing traffic in the liquidity pool and revenue for the token holders. I am very much looking forward to seeing these projects develop and flourish.

I am looking forward for more good news – remember, the ICO starts November 17.

For more details on SPECTRE read my introduction here.

Thank you for reading – if you liked what you read, feel free to share, like and comment. Also feel free to suggest any improvements and corrections to the article in the comments below!

For extra “thank yous” here are my donation addresses:


ETH: 0x762bd7dcd23aec62d1a5bd3e3b2b57bb1b64026d

BTC: 1HbAzWXZk511UbZkbTJQMdBt9pj8995p2



Yannick Zehnder
Zehnder Advisory

Co-founder & CEO @ CEVEN. Bleeding edge tech enthusiast, marketing adept, teacher. Man of many hats.