The Christmas Party — Part 2

Miranda Warner
5 min readApr 10, 2023


The boring accountant holiday party heats up with a delicious seduction in the parking garage and an unexpected voyeur.

ICYMI, here’s the first part of the story.

With his hands on her hips and his cock pulsing with desire, Raphael pushed himself against Kimmie to gauge her reaction. He was pretty sure she was receptive but wanted to make sure what he thought was happening, truly was.

Give me what I want

She looked over her shoulder into his eyes and said, “Give me what I want.”

He needed no encouragement, quickly unbuttoning his pants, he slipped them down to free his cock. It sprang forward as the waistband holding it against his body fell away.

Thick at the base and tapering slightly to a slightly more narrow head, he’d found that most women he’d been with liked the feeling of being stretched by his width. Inevitably, they were also intrigued by his intact foreskin, which was unusual compared to many American men. He could thank his German-born dad for that gift.

Seeing he was uncut, Kimmie wiggled and purred in delight, asking, “Ohhh! Can I suck it?”

This was just getting better and better, he thought.

She turned around to sit on the edge of the back seat, her dress up around her waist, legs splayed open leaving nothing to his imagination. Pulling him forward by a front pocket, she wet her lips with a little moan. Taking his length in her hand, she stroked him with just the right amount of pressure, lightly licking around the tip before taking him more fully into her mouth.

Across the hotel in a small office in the purely functional part of the hotel few guests ever saw, Rob sat in front of a bank of monitors, watching the camera feed from the garage. He was excited to see the woman in her skimpy dress begin to give Raphael a blow job.

As head of security he could set his own schedule which suited his personality and interests. More than once he had enjoyed the free show when couples fucked each other in the hall or elevator unable to wait until they were alone. Or, more often than one might expect, for the thrill of getting caught.

Most never noticed the small cameras placed discreetly throughout the building’s public spaces. It was an unexpected perk of the job, and one he relished.

He felt his cock growing harder and rubbed his hand across the fabric of his trousers, watching as the woman went to work stroking and sucking with obvious skill. It was a shame there wasn’t any sound. At least with the hotel being newer the image quality and ability to zoom in gave him an excellent view.

He got up from his chair and locked his office door with the deadbolt, just in case. Sitting back down, he unzipped and started stroking up and down, slowly at first and then faster and harder, waiting to see what might happen next.

Minutes passed as he stood trapped in conversation with Schmitt, the head of his office who controlled his trajectory at the firm. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he pretended that he’d gotten a message alert, saying he needed to take a call and what a lovely party it was.

Schmitt, wondering what could possibly be so important at 8pm on a Saturday, thought to himself, “This guy needs to get a life.”

If he knew that it was a very sexy woman waiting to be wrecked by multiple cocks, Schmitt might have agreed that it was, indeed, very important.

Heading towards the garage, he hoped that Kimmie had been successful in her seduction of the waiter. Of course she’d be.

Approaching quietly from the back stairs, he saw Kimmie with the waiter’s cock in her mouth, and smiled. She smiled back with her eyes and continued to suck and draw her mouth up and down as Raphael, eyes closed, sighed, “That’s so good.”

Now next to them, she pulled her mouth off the large cock with a lusty pop from her lips. Raph started, suddenly aware that the guy she was with earlier was standing there watching.

“Oh shit,” he blurted out.

“It’s ok,” she laughed. Reaching with her free hand she stroked the clearly visible bulge of her friend’s crotch. Undoing his belt and pulling out his shaft, he asked, “O\ok, if I join you?”

Surprised and excited as hell, Raph was not about to say no. Switching between men every so often, Kimmie continued to stroke and suck. She took pleasure at the sensation of them in her mouth and throat. She could taste their excitement in their salty pre-cum.

“Ok, very cool,” Rob thought as he saw the woman start sucking the cock of the other guy who just showed up in the parking garage.

As distracted as he was, he noticed that one of the earlier holiday events from that afternoon was starting to break up. Watching that event’s guests trickled out to the lobby he thought it likely the sexy interlude he was enjoying so much would be broken up by someone calling to report it.

He had to act fast if this was going to end the way he wanted.

Standing, Rob zipped up and put on his suit coat, buttoning it across his throbbing dick in an effort to hide his excitement. He grabbed his master key card and quickly walked towards the door to the garage stairs with a plan to intervene.

Coming around the corner to where he knew they were parked, he heard wet slurping sounds and moans of pleasure. Not paying attention, both men were taking turns driving their cocks deep into the woman’s mouth. She grabbed and stroked them with each hand, ropes of spit hanging between her mouth, hands and each cock. Taking a breath, it was she who first noticed the other guy, who was clearly with security, standing there watching them.

“Uhm,” Rob cleared his throat. “Hey Raph, there’s some people leaving pretty soon. Do you want to continue this upstairs? I have a room you can use if you want.”


I hope you enjoyed this latest installment! I didn’t mean for it to become a serial but I keep getting ideas as it develops so please forgive and check back for what happens when they get upstairs. If you like it, comment and follow:)



Miranda Warner

Kinky babe writing erotica for my own (and hopefully your) pleasure | Subscribe for future "Slutty Saturdays" content