The Christmas Party

Miranda Warner
4 min readApr 9, 2023


What happens when your plus one wants to play? The office holiday party just got a lot hotter.

Standing in the door to the bathroom, Kimmie’s body was silhouetted by the light shining behind her. Small and delicate, he knew her lithe body was surprisingly strong. She was able to withstand and take immense pleasure from the physical punishment that made their sex life so molten.

“Seriously, you’re actually going to your office’s Christmas party? You see these people all day, five days a week. Can’t we skip it?”

They’d been “dating” now for a couple months and were still in the exciting exploration phase of the relationship. His luck on dating apps had been pretty abysmal and expectations low when they connected despite that she ticked all his physical boxes — pretty with pouty lips, long dark hair, petite build with a full round ass.

With her successful career, he’d expected her to complain about how there weren’t any decent men in town. But she’d surprised him over drinks asking thought provoking questions, really listening, laughing genuinely and flirting without reserve.

He’d been even more surprised and delighted when towards the end of the evening she’d slid her hand into his, leaned to his ear and whispered, “I think you need to take me home and fuck me.”

In her public life Kimmie came across as a hard nosed closer. Some on her team were even a little afraid of her. But in private nothing excited her more than serving him in the bedroom.

Their dates typically began with him entering the room and making her strip to nothing, crawl on her hands and knees to his feet, and not look up until he allowed her to take him into her mouth and follow ensuing commands at his pleasure.

“You know I have to go if I want that promotion. It’s all about whose ass you kiss and playing the game,” he responded. “Besides, I like it when we’re out and I know you’re not wearing panties. Makes me think of all the things I’m going to do to you later.”

“Fine,” she sighed with a smile. “I’ve got just the thing to wear.”

Woman wearing a low cut silver cocktail dress
Who needs a little black dress when silver is so much sexier

Later that night, they arrived at the hotel and pulled into the underground parking ramp. As he opened the car door for her, she swung her toned leg out placing a strappy black high heel on the curb. He barely noticed the sexy shoes as she flashed a delicious view of dewy pink lips and thigh. Helping her stand, he grinned, noticing that her sheer silver dress left little to the imagination and barely covered her pert ass. He’d probably hear from the uptight prigs in HR next week.

As they walked through the hotel lobby he saw a sign with the Schaeffer and Schmitt logo steering them towards a ballroom in the back. The group was relatively small, 40 odd accountants and their frumpy wives milling about, drinking cheap Chardonnay, as waiters circulated with trays of crab puffs and tiny quiches.

“This is going to be worse than I thought,” he muttered under his breath.

At that moment a chiseled waiter in his early 30’s stopped by to offer them a canapé. Taking a quiche and popping the whole thing into her mouth as the waiter walked away, Kimmie gave him a saucy sidelong glance and said, “I know how we can have some fun.”

“Give me your keys and meet me in the ramp in 10 minutes.”

“Challenge accepted,” he growled, feeling his cock stir in anticipation.

Reapplying the dark plum lipstick that accentuated her full lips so well, she surveyed the room and saw the waiter leaving down a corridor. Following him with an unhurried grace she caught up with him as he tried to maneuver around a knot of guests from another holiday party chatting in the hall.

She sped up to run into him from behind. Turning to apologize, she pressed in causing his hand to land on her ass and their hips to meet. Looking down into her upturned face, the waiter flushed and took a step back finding that a large console table blocked his retreat.

In the large mirror over a matching console against the opposite wall he could see her short dress had ridden up in their collision. He drank in the sweet curves realizing then that she was watching him and smiling.

Leaning in she asked, “Could you please help me get something from my car?”

“Oh…yes,” he stammered.

As they walked towards the end of the hall and the stairs leading to the garage, she asked, “What’s your name?”

“It’s Raphael,” he said with a smile.

The garage was much colder than inside the hotel. Kimmie’s nipples hardened to taut buds, visible beneath her dress. Raphael tried not to look but failed miserably so gave up trying.

At the car, she clicked the fob to unlock the back door, reaching far across the seat making her dress slide up even further. Seeing her ass and pussy exposed and waiting Raphael couldn’t help but reach out to feel her velvety skin.

As he ran his hand along the curve of her hip he reached around to cup her smooth mound, sliding his fingers into her hot, slick hole. Gasping in pleasure Kimmie thought, “this is more like it.”

……What happens next?!

Things definitely heat up in the garage. Please check out part 2 here — I’m having too much fun with this so there’s a part 3 coming soon:)

Thanks for reading my first ever smutty story! (well first ever published;)



Miranda Warner

Kinky babe writing erotica for my own (and hopefully your) pleasure | Subscribe for future "Slutty Saturdays" content