Law of Attraction. 108 cheers to make Miracles happen.

Yuichiro Nakano
5 min readSep 15, 2022


Spiritual layers beneath physical realms — © 2022 All rights reserved

The law of attraction is often spoken about in terms of creating your own reality. This is because, as the creator of your own universe, you have the power to attract whatever you desire.

If you focus your thoughts on positive things, you will create a positive reality for yourself. Similarly, if you focus your thoughts on negative things, you will create a negative reality for yourself. The law of attraction is based on the principle that like attracts like. So, if you want to attract positive things into your life, you need to emit positive energy.

One way to do this is by thinking positive thoughts. Another way to emit positive energy is through your actions. When you take positive actions, you are sending out a signal to the Universe that you are ready and willing to receive good things. The more positive energy you put into the Universe, the more positive things you will attract into your life. So, if you want to create a positive reality for yourself, start by thinking and acting in a positive way.

You can also use the law of attraction to manifest specific desires, such as money, love, or success. To do this, simply focus your thoughts on what it is that you want to achieve. The better you feel about what you want, the more likely it is that you will achieve it.

The law of attraction is a powerful tool that can be used to improve your life in many different ways. So, start using it today, and see what positive things you can attract into your life!

Thanks for reading this article! If you found it helpful, please share it with your friends and family. And if you want to learn more about the law of attraction, be sure to check out my other articles on the topic. Thanks again, and I hope you have a great day!

How to make your mind have only positive thoughts?

This is a pretty tough task which everyone knows but try this method.

Click HERE.

You will find an instant energy lift.

  1. Listen just after you wake up.
  2. Listen just before you sleep.
  3. Do 1 & 2 for at least 21 days.

It will increase your energy and improve your mood. It will also help reduce stress and anxiety. This is a great way to start your day or end your night. First you might experience some resistance. Allow your mind to become acquainted with this recording first.Your mind will start to get used to it and you will start to believe them.

  1. You can do it!
  2. I believe in you!
  3. You’re going to make it!
  4. You’re amazing!
  5. You’re a winner!
  6. You’re so talented!
  7. You’re incredible!
  8. You’re terrific!
  9. You’re wonderful!
  10. I love your smile!
  11. Your smile makes me so happy!
  12. You look so beautiful today!
  13. You’re such a kind person!
  14. You’re one of a kind!
  15. You are the best!
  16. You are a genius!
  17. You are so funny!
  18. You are so natural!
  19. You made my day!
  20. You are doing so well!
  21. You are so loveable!
  22. You are so beautiful!
  23. You are so warm!
  24. You have a golden heart!
  25. I love your style!
  26. You’re so strong!
  27. You’re adorable!
  28. You are so brave!
  29. You are so beautiful on the inside and outside!
  30. You’re a great listener!
  31. You’re so interesting!
  32. You’re inspiring!
  33. You’re so thoughtful!
  34. You seem to really know who you are!
  35. You’re so smart!
  36. You always have the best ideas!
  37. You are making a difference!
  38. You deserve the very best!
  39. You’re a great example!
  40. You’re awesome!
  41. You’re more helpful than you realize!
  42. You are glowing!
  43. You look great today!
  44. Your eyes are breathtaking!
  45. You always look great!
  46. You smell really good!
  47. You’re mesmerizing!
  48. Your hair looks stunning!
  49. Your voice is magnificent!
  50. You have such a great sense of style!
  51. You have such a great personality!
  52. I really enjoy talking to you!
  53. I appreciate you!
  54. You are perfect just the way you are!
  55. You are enough!
  56. On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11!
  57. You’ve got all the right moves!
  58. Everything would be better if more people were like you!
  59. You are an incredible human!
  60. You’re wonderful!
  61. You’re a legend!
  62. You’re extraordinary!
  63. You’re so unique!
  64. You’re very needed by the world.
  65. The world needs your light.
  66. You’re such a gem!
  67. You have so much to give!
  68. I can’t wait to see more of what you do!
  69. I know you’re meant for great things!
  70. You’re doing an amazing job!
  71. You’re very appreciated!
  72. Thank you for being here!
  73. Thank you for being you!
  74. Keep up the great work!
  75. I’m grateful to you!
  76. You’re a one-in-a-million kind of person!
  77. You’re such a precious diamond!
  78. You’re loved!
  79. You’re making a difference!
  80. You are appreciated!
  81. You are valued!
  82. You’re worth it!
  83. You’re significant!
  84. Your life matters!
  85. I’m glad you exist!
  86. Thank you for being alive!
  87. You are a master!
  88. Everyone loves you!
  89. You’re a superstar!
  90. You’re a kick-ass!
  91. You’re so cute!
  92. Your energy is amazing!
  93. I love your energy!
  94. I love your vibe!
  95. I believe in you!
  96. You’re our treasure!
  97. The world always looks great when you are in it!
  98. We’re proud of you!
  99. You’re my sunshine!
  100. You’ll have no idea! How much we love you!
  101. You’re my lighthouse!
  102. You’re my hero!
  103. You’re abundant!
  104. You’re so rich!
  105. You have everything in you to accomplish your needs!
  106. You’re maginificient!
  107. I really enjoy being with you!
  108. I love you more than anyone or anything!

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Please also read What is self-love? Self-love is a key to success/ manifest your desires

Please share your experience and write your story here.

Arigato, we love you!

© 2022 All rights reserved



Yuichiro Nakano

A man with many talents. Artist/Architect/Writer/EnergyHealer. I'm here to share my gifts, talents, skills and wisdom/messages from the universe.