February Progress Report

Yunzhe Zhou
Life Projects
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2017

I know at first glance, it may seem like I miscounted the months, but yes, it’s almost midway through March, and yes this is a report for February:)

While this is an on-going process, I’m pretty satisfied with myself that I’ve honed in on the three most important things I want to focus on right now:

  1. Writing
  2. Videos
  3. Dance

with an overarching theme of connecting (with) people through documenting life and sharing a part of my world with theirs.

For a while now, I’ve been dilly dallying. Though enjoyable, time seems to pass by way too fast.

What doesn’t get measured doesn’t get managed.

With that, and inspiration from Kasey Wang’s January report + Tomas Lau’s lifestyle reports, this is the beginning of my journey to track progress that can be iteratively improved on.

the data:

  • hours danced: 11
  • skill learning programs: 2
  • marketing consultations: 2
  • videos: 1
  • articles: 1

Overall this month, progress was alright. In total, I applied to 2 learning programs: one for videography and another for digital marketing. Also worked with 2 startups for pro bono consulting.

While the number seems low, sharing ideas with others and getting positive feedback has made a significant impact on my sense of confidence. It was really affirming to take what I knew from previous experiences and apply it to different contexts, creating new mind sparks and connections in the process.

The founders are also doing great things. Later in the month, one made it to the front page of Product Hunt and the other startup was featured in Forbes, which made me very happy for them :)

I’m really glad I did this recap exercise, because what I realized is that I had a lot of momentum in the first two weeks and then completely trailed off in the last two. (the last week though, is a bit understandable since I went to Iceland — so breathtakingly beautiful, one of my favorite places in the world).

Upon deeper digging into the data, it looked like this:

  • week #1: 4 hours danced, 1 application, 1 video, 2 consults
  • week #2: 5 hours danced, 1 application
  • week #3: 2 hours danced
  • week #4: 0 hours danced*, 0 everything else

*not zero if you count how I vigorously I shuffled in the Icelandic snow

notes to myself:

According to my monthly video montage on Facebook, in February, it seems that I went to quite an amount of birthdays and ate a lot of food.

The data gives me an different perspective of reality. Looking back, I realized that I didn’t really have any specific goals. There was no definite target of how many learning programs I wanted to apply to, articles posted, or video created.

I want to do better in March.

Going forward, I decided to set set some SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely).

March goals:

  • 30 day challenge — Meditation: meditate everyday and try out Meditatebot, Buddhify and compare to already tested apps Calm (current favorite) and Headspace
  • Dance 5x a week, stretch 7x a week
  • Create and upload 1 dance video
  • Write and post 1 article per week

On a weekly basis, it’s:

  • 7x aka everyday: meditate, stretch
  • 5x: dance
  • 1x: dance video, article

I think this is pretty doable. I’m already doing most of these things, now it’s more of documenting and synthesizing them to close feedback loops and improve faster.

I want to invest more in myself: my brand, writing, dancing, etc.

P.S. I didn’t finish my 30 day challenge for February finance goals, so going to do some catch-up tonight.

key learnings along the way


copywriting resources:

video resources:

dance resources:

  • co-creating a doc with friend so we can share and essentially double the amount of notes and learned routines



Yunzhe Zhou
Life Projects

Designing life through monthly action plans. For how you you can get started on a side project, get the toolkit here: bit.ly/12sideprojects